The Weekly Round-Up: Apr 23

Hey Everyone! As promised, I'm back this week. I don't have as much progress to show this week as I'd like. Life keeps getting in the way, but I have been able to get some progress made. My focus these past two weeks has been on the terrain pieces. However, I am also making a solid push on my Tactical Marine squad to get them completed. With Games Workshop's announcement that 8th edition is coming this year, and also that the rules will be changing significantly enough that all the current rule books and army Codexes will be obsolete, I want to finish painting the back log completely before adding any more to it so I can determine what direction I will be heading in the new edition! So any ways, on to the Round-Up!

First up, my Space Marines. I've built the last four squad members. All but one has had up to their first coat of green. My goal is to blitz the last four guys so I can start focusing on the Sternguard squad that I've started and the new Scouts. I've also made some more progress on the new Scout Sargent.

Next, the Tau. I've begun doing the green ink on the Ghostkeel and have done the second coat up to his waist.

Then, Imperial Guard. I've made a little more progress to getting the new Tech-Priest completed. I just have to do some more detail work and he'll be completed.

Then Eldar. I did finish my first bike. I've now prepped the next one.

Finally, Terrain. This is where the bulk of my time has been put over the past two weeks. I've almost got the furnace/plant piece to about 50% completed. The rest are still about 25% completed. I've also cut out the other cat walks and parts to prep for painting, and to play with. I was playing around with them to see how they fit together.

That's all I have for this week.Until next time!

Czar Ziggy