Hello internet world and welcome to Czar Ziggy's Outpost. I'm new to blogging, though I've been a reader of a few blogs over the past few years. I've always wanted to do one about one of my main hobbies which is my collecting and painting of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 table top miniature game.
So a little about myself. My real name is Tony and I am from Canada. I've been collecting and painting 40K since Christmas 2003 when I bought my first two kits, the Tyranid Carnifex and Tyranid Warriors kit (both 3rd edition). Since then, I've gone on to Collect many more armies including; Tau Empire, Necrons, Space Marines, Dark Eldar, Orks, and Imperial Guard.
Other hobbies of mine include; Computer and Video gaming, collecting Transformers action figures, and playing Trombone in Swing Bands.
My goal for this blog is to share my experiences mainly in my 40K hobby, but sometimes in my other hobbies as well. Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you enjoy my future posts.
Czar Ziggy