The Weekly Round-Up May 7

Hey Everyone! So it was a pretty quiet week quiet week for painting here. I only really have 3 groups of models to show off. But, as Games Workshop continues with their hype train for the new 8th edition, I'm getting more and more excited for what's to come! So let's get into the Round-Up!

First, Tau. This week, I've completed the green metal part on the Ghostkeel and have moved onto the detail work. I've done the first coat of brown and gold so far. Also, in a push to get more stuff completed, I've built the last 4 Breachers and the Missile turret and have base coated them and done the first metal coat.

Finally, Imperial Guard. I've almost completed the armor on the Heavy Weapons Teams. I just have to ink wash it and then move onto the metal for the guns and gear.

And that's all there is this week. I'd like to have what's been on here this week done for next week so I can keep trying to plow through my back log in preparation for 8th edition. All the rule leaks from Games Workshop so far indicate that this will be a much quicker game, while still being a lot of fun. There definitely seems to be a lot of reworked rules to try and balance out the game and I'll be looking forwards to playing it once the new edition is launched. Until next week!

Czar Ziggy