A silent alarm blinked on and off on a console near Anrakyr. Tapping the console, a screen flickered to life. Silently, he gazed at the live feed from a monitoring device near one of this fringe world's communication relays. He noted a sizable force a primitives setting up camp at the base of one of the relays. Tilting his head to the side, he tapped another key on the console and another screen came to life, this time depicting the inside of one of the tomb world's laboratories. From the shadows in a corner, the face of a Cryptek moved into view.
"Szeras, are you in need of any new test subjects for your experiments?"
There was a brief pause.
"Yes my lord. My last batch has just... expired."
"Then ready yourself. We shall replenish your stock..."
Points: 2,000
Mission Type: The Emperor's Will
Deployment Type: Hammer and Anvil
Winner of Roll: Necrons (Chose to go first)
Necron Forces:
- Anrakyr
- Royal Court: 1x lord, 2x Cryptek (Despair / Destruction)
- Szeras
- Triarch Stalker
- Deathmarks (6)
- Pyrrhian Eternals (7)
- Night Scythe
- 2x Warriors (10 each)
Fast Attack:
- Destroyers (3)
- Heavy Destroyer
- Scarabs (4)
- Wraith (3)
Heavy Support:
- Monolith
- Doomsday Ark
Imperial Guard Forces:
- Company Command Squad
-Medic, Master of Ordnance
- Primaris Psyker
- Ogryn (3)
- Chimera
- Storm Troopers
- 3x Veteran Squad (10 each)
Fast Attack:
- Scout Sentinel (3)
- Vendetta
Heavy Support:
- 2x Leman Russ ( Exterminator / Executioner)
Necron Deployment |
Imperial Guard Deployment |
Turn 1:
Night fighting.
Imperial Guard Seize the initiative
In the first round, the Imperial Guard seized the initiative and went to work on eliminating the Necron threat. Most of the fire was directed towards the Necron destroyers in the center of the deployment. After the smoked had cleared, only the heavy destroyer was left floating there, his three destroyer brethren nothing but liquid pools of metal on the ground. Their damage was too sever to reanimate themselves, and thus were transported back to the tomb world's repair chambers. The scout sentinels moved into the woods on the Guard's left flank and took some pot shots at the Doomsday Ark floating near the com rely. They only succeeded in lightly damaging the Ark and nothing more.
The Necrons then proceeded to move towards the Guard's entrenched positions. The Wraiths heading towards the sentinels, while the rest of the force moved towards the opposite flank to engage the two Leman's and the Veteran squads. Unfortunately, only the doomsday ark was in a position to do some damage and destroyed one of the sentinels that had just attacked it.
Turn 2:
The Vendetta gunship arrived as well as the squad of Storm Troopers which out flanked near the Doomsday Ark. Continuing to put pressure on the Necron forces, they attempted to gun down anything that moved. For the most part, they were met with success. The whole right flank was cleared, with the explosion of the Triarch Stalker, the gunning down of the scarab swarms, and the destruction of the last Heavy Destroyer. However, the Storm Troopers were having trouble on their mission to destroy the Doomsday Ark. While being right behind the enemy vehicle, neither of the squad's melta guns, or the lone grenade thrown could find their target. A lucky shot from one of the sentinels again, which managed to lightly damage the ark.
The Storm Troopers engage the Doomsday Ark. |
The Necrons decided to meet the reinforcements with their own. Anrakyr and his Royal Court materialized onto the field of battle amongst the guardsmen. Their own air craft, the Ghost Scythe, ferried Anrakyr's Eternals and Szeras across the field of battle. Anrakyr also unleashed his most potent weapon, the Monolith, which rose from the ground in front of the Guard's Leman Russ, towering over it with menace and disgorging a squad of warriors into the fray. The hapless Storm Troopers were put on the receiving end of a barrage of gauss fire from the squad of warriors near the Doomsday Ark. Two lucky Troopers survived, and remained defiant in the face of being out numbered 5 - 1. The Night Scythe engaged the Vendetta and caused some light damaged after a hail of Tesla fire. Anrakyr reached out his consciousness to the Leman Russ Exterminator in the hopes of helping out the Night Scythe. And while the Russ' shots hit their mark, the Vendetta shook them off. The other Russ however, met it's fate from the squad of warriors disembarking from the Monolith. Their gauss weapons making short work of the armor and reducing it to a smoking hulk.
The Night Scythe attacks the Vendetta. |
Turn 3:
The battle focus was shifting now for the Imperial Guard. No longer was the enemy at range, but now it was amongst their ranks. The Guards men quickly turned on the threat. Sending aid towards the besieged Storm Troopers, the chimera loaded with the Primaris Psyker and the Ogryn hurtled towards the Doomsday Ark followed overhead by the Vendetta. However, the Storm Troopers finished their mission before the aid arrived and brought low the Doomsday Ark with their meltas. The rest of the remaining Guardsman first turned on Anrakyr and his royal court intent on blood. Commanders bellowing orders, the Guardsman used their disciplined fire and cut the whole group down. To their dismay, the Lord and the Harbinger of Dispair stood right back up like nothing had happened. Then the remaining guard closer to the monolith as well as the remaining Russ cut down all but one of the Necron warriors. The damaged was too server for most of the warriors to reanimate from.
The Lord, now in command after Anrakyr phased out back to the tomb complex to be healed, took charge and decided to meet out his own counter strike. Having the Night Scythe swing into the lines and drop off the Eternals and Szeras, he had them and all surrounding units cut many of the Guardsman down. The Monolith took aim at the back side of the Vendetta and shot it down from the skies with its gauss flux arcs. The last of the Storm Troopers were cut down by the warriors. Meanwhile, the Wraiths finished off the last of the Sentinels and proceeded to join the main fray.
Turn 4:
The Guardsman were in trouble. The Necrons were now in their lines, what was left of the any ways, and more were coming. Their air support gone, and only a lone battle tank left. They needed to turn the tide of this battle quickly. Again, they aimed to cripple the Necron leadership in hopes that that would slow them down enough to properly retaliate. They reformed their battle lines and tried again to cut down the Lord and the Harbinger of Dispair. Unfortunately, only the Harbinger was cut down. The Lord would not be denied...
And with Anrakyr gone, the Lord decided that these Guardsman were not worthy of the proper protocols of battle. He summoned a squad of Deathmarks to bring a swift end to this conflict and had the squad of warriors guarding the now destroyed Doomsday Ark summoned through the Monolith's portal. It was time to end the life of the commander once and for all. The Lord unleashed all the fire at his disposal on the command bunker. The master of Ordnance and a lone Guardsman manning a lascannon remained defiant. So the Lord initiated the second phase of his attack and sent in the Wraiths. Like silent ghosts, the Wraiths moved through the walls of the bunker and cut down the survivors before moving out the far side of the bunker.
The command bunker was cleared in short order. |
The remaining two quads of Guardsman and the Leman Russ gathered together to make their last stand. Taking position on a makeshift grave sight from earlier conflicts, the setting seemed to be iconic of their current predicament. They unleashed their final defiant salvo at the Necrons but very little damage came of it.
The last Stand! |
The Lord then turned to dealing with this final hold out group of Guardsman. He had the Monolith disable the main cannon of the Leman Russ with one shot from its Particle Whip. He then had them surrounded by his warriors and constructs. Remembering Anrakyr's offer to Szeras, he offered them a chance to surrender, omitting the fact that they would soon would wish they had not surrendered. Foolishly, they accepted and Szeras set about having them round up and sent to his lab...
Final Score: Necrons: 5, Imperial Guard: 3