My 40K Armies Part 1: The Tau Empire

This series of post will each focus on one of my current armies. For the first in this series, I'm going to look at my favorite army and my most played army, my Tau Empire army.

Full army Spring 2013

My Tau Empire army is my second army that I started collecting shortly after getting into the hobby. I got my first box of Fire Warriors in early 2004 and this army has quickly grown from there to its current 6th edition size of roughly just under 7,000 points in game. The first army Codex I got was the 3rd edition which was quickly replaced with the 4th edition one as soon as it came out in 2005. Last spring I acquired my 6th edition copy the first day it came out. There was no new codex for 5th edition.

For each army I collect, I like to choose a theme to style that army by. Most army themes come from pop culture and other science fiction series and franchises. In the case of this army, the theme is a green Halo Covenant theme from the Halo video game series. This idea came to me because of a few of the similarities between the two factions. One is that both armies are a collective force of different alien species, the other that both factions use anti-grav or hover type propulsion on their vehicles.

Tau Hammerhead battle tank

The colors for this army are more typical of generic military colors of green and brown/beige. The unique element to the paint scheme for my collection of Tau is that the parts of the army that are armor are done to give it a metallic sheen similar to how the color was done for the Covenant tanks in the Halo video game series. This technique is on its 2nd version with the change in Games Workshops paint line a few years back.

The other unique part of this army is that, because there are different races in this force, there are different aesthetics in the model range. This allows me to alter a few of the colors to make the different races stick out, but also to keep elements of the model similar to the overall theme. For instance, the Vespid models are painted like wasps, but the armor and weapons are painted the same way as the rest of the army.

Vespid Sting Wing

With the launch of Codex supplements in this current edition of the game, I have also begun a Farsight Enclaves force of Tau. In keeping with the Halo theme, this rogue faction takes it's color scheme from the Forerunners in Halo 4. A dark metallic scheme with orange, red, and yellow highlights in the creases of the armor.

Farsight Ethereal and Fire Warriors
The Farsight army to this date only has 5 models painted with 2 more planned in the near future. I plan on keeping the same ideas from the regular Tau Empire force which is to have the alien auxiliaries painted in unique color schemes but maintain consistency with the rest of the force. 

In future posts I will dive into the fluff and background of each of the models I have created as well as posts on work in progress units. This however wraps up my introduction to my Tau forces.