My 40K Armies Part 2: The Tyranids

To continue on with my introduction to my armies, the second post in this series will be on my babies, my first army and currently second largest in points at just over 4,000, are my Tyranids!

That old 3rd edition Carnifex and Warriors are what kicked off what would become my biggest hobby ever. They were the first models I assembled and painted, the first I gamed with, and always hold a special place in my heart. I've always liked space critters, be it the bugs from Starship troopers or the Zerg from Starcraft. So Tyranids were what pulled me in.

Hive Fleet Tron Spring 2013

My Tyranids color scheme has changed three times, and the second change was when I started pulling on other sources for inspiration. The first generation color scheme was pure light blue on the carapace, black bodies and copper talons and teeth. No undercoat, if you can believe it, and every bit as bad as a beginner painter could do. These guys have come a long way since then. About two years into collecting Tyranids, I started to get a steadier hand, and better at detailing with a brush. That's when I changed the color scheme to its second form. The only real change, aside from adding an undercoat, was that the carapace was painted dark blue with a light blue edging. The idea loosely came from Tron films. Hence why I've named my hive fleet Tron. At that point, I did not own many Tyranid models still, so a quick repaint of the carapace brought everything up to speed. Only about 3 years ago I made a slight alteration for the 3rd version of this color scheme where again, I changed the carapace. This time however, the colors remained mostly the same, but I changed the technique. Instead of painting a flat layer of dark blue, then trimming with light blue, I would paint two layers of white, then use the newer ink washes to shade the white to a darker blue, then trim with light blue. This gave the carapace a more random look for each model I painted and created a nice variance amongst similar models.

Converted Tyranid Trygon Prime

With the new codex having come out this year, I've started adding to this army again. I've also started playing with it a little more and I've really enjoyed using them again.