For the fourth post in this series, we'll look at my Space Marine force. This force is currently my fourth army I've started, and the third largest army at just under 4,000 points.
I started collecting space marines because I wanted a human faction in my collection. I started this army in the spring of 2007 and have slowly been adding to it since. Of all the armies I collect, this is the one army that does not really pull any inspiration form any main stream sci-fi. While I say that, the first color scheme did draw from Star Wars, as I had intended to do a desert themed storm trooper army with purple as a chapter color.
First color scheme for Dragoons |
I dropped this color scheme back in the fall of 2010 because it didn't sit right with me for the vehicles. Having decided though that I would grow my Space Marines in the direction and tactics of a Salamander's chapter force, therefore I drew more from them for inspiration in my color scheme. Unlike the actual Salamander's chapter, my "second founding" Salamander's chapter which I named "The Emperor's Dragoons" have a darker green colored armor and uses a lighter green for shoulder pads and joints. Orange was chosen as a chapter color and a detail color. As well as I didn't keep the flesh dark but chose a more bronzed skin color.
Dragoons Spring 2013 |
This army has been more of a house army for me. It has not seen much time on the table top compared to my previous three armies I have discussed. This army grows really slowly too as I do not plan to use it competitively. However, there was a small period of rapid growth where my army doubled in size thanks to my brother quitting the hobby in favor of spending more time in his other hobbies, namely computer gaming and building gaming computers which is a rather costly hobby. I do have plans to make a medium sized allied detachment for use with my Tau force, but they are on the back burner for now.