My 40K Armies Part 5: Budding Armies

This is the last post for this group of articles. I'll do a brief overview of my last three armies, all of which are just a handful of models together. This includes my Dark Eldar, Orks, and Imperial Guard.

First up, I'll quickly go over my Dark Eldar. Currently at the time of this post, I have one Raider, 10 Kabalite Warriors, and 3 Reavers painted and assembled from an old 3rd edition battle force I got for helping to paint a friends Imperial Guard. This again is an army that I have not really drawn any real inspiration for the color scheme for. It started out as test models to practice my colored metal approach and I chose purple as the color. After taking some shots early on, the silver color I had done for the spikes and blades seemed to have a weird green tint in the photos, though they were actually silver. But I found it interesting and decided to actually change the blades to a green shade. Now the color scheme reminds me of the "Riddler" from Batman. Guys in Purple armor with bright green blades.

The next army I'll talk about is my Orks. Again, at the time of this post, I have only finished painting my Warboss and the 5 Nobs from the Assault on Black Reach starter set for 5th edition. I struggled long and hard if I was going to actually build these guys. I originally got the set to help expand my Space Marine force, and the Orks just happened to be a by product of this investment. Finally this past fall I decided, as much in an effort to stop buying more kits before finishing the ones I had, that I would start painting these guys and see where I go with them. I was never much of a fan of Orks, and never understood why so many people in the hobby liked them. But after being involved in the hobby for so long, they're growing on me now as a sort of comic relief force.

For painting, they also got the trial treatment as they are my test dummies for dry brushing, a technique that I'm not good at yet, but that's why I'm practicing. Color wise, I'm painting them like regular looking Orks, green skin, metal armor and brown cloth. I'm aiming for a Super Mutant theme from the Fallout series of games. A rough and beatin' looking group of mutants. I don't have too many plans on expanding this army to date, but a new codex coming my change my mind once it comes out.

The final army, which consists of only two painted models to date, is the beginning of my new Imperial Guard. Starting this army, I wanted to pick a color that I wasn't really using, as I already had two green armies in Tau and Space Marines, one red army in Necrons, and a blue army in Tyranids, as well as a purple army in Dark Eldar. Also, I was looking again for a color scheme inspiration for this army. 

Now, before I started this army, and as I mentioned in my section about the Dark Eldar, I had painted a friend's Imperial Guard force. For his army, he decided that he wanted his force to be themed after Cobra from G.I. Joe. It was a really fun project to paint. I've painted for him so far; 2 Leman Russ tanks, 1 Chimera transport, about 30-40 guardsmen, a Vendetta, 3 Ogryn, and some characters (Creed, Kell, Lord Commissar,and a Primaris Psyker) while he has done some models of his own, including a converted Company Commander (as Cobra Commander), and a converted Master of Ordnance (as Destro).

So I wanted to do a cool theme like that, so I decided that I would draw upon the G.D.I from the Command and Conquer games. It was always my favorite force to play as in the games, and it gave me a new color to work with, yellow. It also let me start a new approach to painting, which was using grey as a base coat instead of black, which I've done for every other model I own. So far, I've been very impressed with the outcome and I'm looking forward to adding some more guys. Unfortunately, I've build all I can with the spare bits I had lying around as the rest had been used long ago to make human auxiliaries for my Tau force.