A Great Long Weekend

Well, it's been a great long weekend. I've now participated in 2 different 40K tournaments over the past 2 weekends, and squeaked a few more games in on the side. I've also picked up some new stuff for the project board which I'm looking forward to building and painting.

The tournaments were a lot of fun. Now, I'm not much of a gamer. The final scores for me probably had me one step a head of the guy who never wins, but I enjoy the random moments of awesome and seeing some interesting combos that I could one day try out. Every gamer has their own play style and I enjoy seeing the many different lists, painting techniques, and strategies used. In fact, after playing another Necron player yesterday at the Ottawa CanGames tournament, I've got a few new combos I'm going to try in my next game with that army.

Going back to the games at the Kingston 'Ard Boys Tournament, I did managae to acheive my personal goal in the tournament, which was to kill every super heavy I encountered. And I did for all one of them I encountered. Out of 3 rounds, I only encountered one Baneblade which was in my first game. I took my entire Fire base support cadre, and 2 squads of fusion suits, but I killed it by turn 4 and went on to win the match. The rest of the day, the Tau empire won, for my next 2 rounds saw me fight other Tau players, though I lost to both of them.

CanGames yesterday was a lot of fun too. I brought my Necrons for this one. Nothing fancy for them in the list. There were some great moments thought. In my first match, my Monolith snap-fired into a passing Eldar fighter. The player decided to decline his jink as he thought the one hit would do nothing. It ended up getting a penetrating hit, and the explodes result. It then crashed into his Wave serpent, and cased another penetrating hit. However he was able to downgrade it with the serpent's shields and then save it with the cover save. But I almost got 2 units for one snap shot. I went on to face another Necron player and we had a nice little Necron civil war, which in the end had me crushed, but not with out a few good moments! One of my Wraiths was able to tie up his Destroyer Lord and Tomb Blade squad for the almost the whole game in combat. My warlord Anrakyr had a challenge dual with his warlord Trazyn in which neither ended up winning, for Anrakyr would always reanimate and Trazyn would always return through a host.

In my third match, I faced off against my buddy from Kingston who was up for the tournament. While his guard force put up a valiant effort, they were slaughtered by my Necron war host. My final match saw me pitted against the tournament organizer and his Tau forces ended up beating me, but not before my Necrons killed his Riptide and Longstrike. All in all, they were all great games.

Now I'm looking forward to some nice quiet hobby time to paint some new stuff, which now includes some new Wraiths for my Necrons and 2 more Imperial Knights for my buddies Knight army.

So here are some picks of my match against the Guard yesterday at CanGames!

Czar Ziggy