Preparations for 'Ard Boys Tournament and future projects.

I'm now less than 1 week away from the 'Ard Boys tournament being held over in Kingston. This is going to be a fun tournament but a rather difficult one for my forces. This tournament is an anything goes, 2,500 pts force. My biggest problem going into this fight is that I do not own any big nasty models. I've been looking to add some Lords of War options to any of my forces, or any super heavies but unfortunately, I still can't afford to get any.

My strategy so far is to go with what I've got to work with, my Tau Empire. My Tau force thankfully is a rather large and diverse group of models which is rather anti-armor focused. My plan is to use every anti-armor option at my disposal. Therefore, I've put together a fire base support cadre, and armed all my other battlesuits with fusion blasters. I'm expecting mostly super heavy tanks and walkers, but Gargantuan creatures will have me at a disadvantage if any show up. I'm hoping to kill a Revenant Titan if one shows up, its a personal goal I've had since the launch of Escalation.

Otherwise, I've just finished moving to my temporary home for the summer and have now set up my project table. I've still have my last Broadside suit being touched up for the tournament and he is almost complete. I've also started another new broadside to test out my new approach to paint using the grey undercoat. It's worked wonders for the Astra Militarum units I've painted so far so I'm curious to see what it will do for one of my oldest running armies. I'm hoping to also complete the last of the random units I have laying around so I can move on to new projects. I've still have 14 Necron Warriors to assemble and paint, 3 Broadsides, 1 Riptide, 10 Kabilite Warriors, 1 Reaver Jet Bike, 2 Deff Copters, somewhere around 30+ Guants and 9 snap fit marines I got yesterday from free comic day.

I've also have a tournament in Ottawa that I need to still decide what army I'm going to bring. I"m leaning towards my Tyranids at the moment since it's a beginners level tournament and it will give me a chance to try some of the new combos from the new codex that I haven't tried yet. Last time I did a beginners tournament, I learned a few fun combos for my Necrons which I still use to this date. This tournament is only 1500 pts so it should prove to be a good testing ground.

I've also finished painting an Imperial Knight for my friend for the tournament. It's one of the few times I've had to follow an actual codex color scheme. He wanted to have his knights to be part of house Griffon. But I'm rather proud of the final product, and if I could afford it, I'd love to get one for myself as well. I've also finished all the guardsmen I have at the moment, so I'll have to get some more later. Here are a few shots of the final results for the guard. The others are WIP shots. I'll have to get a few final shots later.

Happy War gaming!

Czar Ziggy