The slow summer crawl

Sorry for the long delay between posts. Real life has been keeping me busy since the May 24 long weekend.  Between work and the new work out routine, my hobby time has been cut back a little. However, I have been able to finish a few projects now since the long weekend, but I'll need to wind down even more on what projects I'm working on because I'll be moving again at the end of the summer. At the moment, I'm trying to get the quick projects done and wrapped up, then I'll be doing some more work for my friend who plays guard.

As you may notice from the first picture, I've finally bought and painted my Commander Farsight for my Enclaves forces. The entire force as it exists at the moment is in that picture except for one salvaged crisis suit that I'm currently working on. With the Commander now complete, I'll be looking to getting some actual crisis suits into the army to start building it up. However, I probably won't be getting them for some time as I want to finish the other projects I actually have in my possession right now that, in some cases, have been around for more than 4 years.

Broadside #4

Otherwise, I've now completed my 4th broadside from the fire base box set. I now have 2 Rail and 2 missile broadsides. I'm going to hold off on starting the 5th one until after I move in the fall since I'm not working as fast as I'd like. Also, as of tonight, I've now finished all my Astra Militarum models. I had picked up a Chimera and a Tempestus set and they are now done. I'll be looking to get more troops now to actually start making them into a fighting force.

The start of scion squad

The Tempestor is used to make the commander

The full Militarum Force at the moment

I'm still on the second Necron Wraith from the set I picked up at Can games. I've finally gotten re interested in finishing the model and I'm about half way done with him. I'm hoping to start and finished the third one before I have to move. I'm also finishing the last 7 Necron warriors bases to bring all my finished Necron bases in line with my current scheme.

But the projects that are now taking over my board are the one's I'm helping my friend with. He's now decided to start a Apace Marine army with the Dark Angels half of the Dark Vengeance starter set. The army will be built as a second founding White Scars force, (so bikes and fast moving elements). I've finished one of the bikes and I'm working on the second. I'm also working on a Stern Guard Veteran from the 5th Edition set. I'm quite pleased with how it is turning out.

The original Test subject from my friend

My First Verteran

My Bike Sargent

Biker #2
I'll try to post more updates. My goal over the rest of the summer is to actually play a game of 7th edition as I have not even read the rules yet. With any luck, I'll get a game or two in before the summer is out!

Czar Ziggy