I want to start a series of posts that will keep me updating this blog on a regular basis. So, I've decided to launch these weekly round-ups to keep me updating the blog, and to keep me pushing through my long list of projects.
This week, I've now finished two guardsmen for the Cobra force, one gaunt for my Tyranids, and I've finished my last Ork Deff-copta from the Black reach set. I'm still making progress on my second Necron wraith as well as the Red Marines. I also started working on the Fire Storm bunker from the wall of Martyrs set. So far, the bunker is assembled and I've started doing the undercoat. I've also put together my third Necron Wraith from the set I bought and I will start painting him once the second one is done. I also have another three Cobra guardsmen almost done, with only about 4 or 5 left that need to be painted in the batch I have.
With the last Deff- copta done, I'm down to just the 15 or so Ork Boyz left from the black reach set to finally have the whole box set assembled and painted. I will be missing 2 of the Boyz however, because I gave them away to a friend for a conversion project last year. Once the Last Necron Wraith is done, I'll begin assembling and painting the last of the Necron Warriors I have left and then all my Necrons will be done. I probably won't get anything else for that army until around Christmas, when I hope to get the Tesseract Vault as my first Super Heavy unit in my collection.
Anyways, here are a few shots of the projects I've worked on this week!
Cobra Troopers |
Bike #2 |
Bike #1 |
Wraith #2 |
Deff-Copta #3 |
Broadside Rail Team |
Tempestus Scions |
Force Commander |
Czar Ziggy