Well, to say August was a busy month is a bit of an understatement. It wasn't really busy for my hobby time however. Back in mid July, I made an occupation change. But with this change, while I am earning more, I'm also working more hours. This unfortunately has cut into my hobby time.
So, I was unable to participate in the team tournament I would have liked to be in, but I was able to make some time to watch part of a day of it. I also have just complete my move back into my apartment which was being renovated this summer, and now I am able to put more projects back onto my board. I had to slow down what I was doing since I had to pack everything up a week before I moved, as my job had me travelling for the last week of august. But now I'm back and everything is back on track and set up again.
Completed Wraiths |
Currently, I'm now working on a few projects. First up, I've gathered enough pieces together to make a Master of Ordnance for my Imperial Guard. I've also started the first of the last 14 Necron warriors I have left. And the final new project, my next broadside battle suit for my Tau. I'm excited to be back into my hobby and I'm hoping to get some of these done a little faster than before. Anyways, until next time, here are some parting shots of the WIP!
Master of Ordnance |
Necron Warrior seeking head |
Czar Ziggy