The Weekly Round-up: Sept 14

Well, this week has been mostly about updating old models and experimenting with new paints. I picked up a new color to my repertoire, "Castellan Green". I've been wanting to start doing edging to my Emperor's Dragoons, but the edging paint color "Gauss Blaster Green" felt a little too light for what I wanted. So while I was checking out a new hobby store in the area that carried Games Workshop stock, I decided to add this color and give it a shot.

So far, I like the results I'm having. I've done a little edging on one of my Predators and my Librarian and I'm also trying it out as an alternative skin color for my Kroot. I've also finished my repaint of one of my Fire warrior squads, switching them over from the old dark angels green to the new metal green. This is part of my original goal with my color scheme for my Tau empire. When I first started to plan out the army and its colors, I had envisioned and army from an Emerald of Jade crystal world. So I wanted the armor and weapons to reflect that origin. Once I learned to do the shading, which I have been doing with the battle suits and the tanks, I'm now beginning to do it with the Fire Warriors and Pathfinders.

I'm also starting to experiment with my Tyranid colors a little. In a similar vein, I've been evolving this armies color scheme to appear more life like. It started with the armor, and now I'm experimenting with the skin. The Tyranid armor used to be just straight light blue, but then switched to dark blue with light blue highlights. Then it switched again to blue wash with light blue highlights. I like how that armor looks varied by each model because of the way the ink dries differently on each model. Now I'm trying the same thing with the skin, going from just straight black, to now black ink on grey under coat. It will add more time to complete each model, but I like the results so far.

I've also been fixing a few older models that needed some repair. A few old battlesuits that didn't transition well during my recent move. One in particular, an early conversion, was my old Crisis suit code named "Vigilante". I decided to fix up his custom plasma rifle with a spare standard one I had since the custom one was always falling off and was a little too busy/excessive to the overall design and feel of the suit. I also finished up my Master of Ordnance and now I have no Guard projects left what so ever.

So that's what I've been up to this week. I'm hoping to get more done by next week!

Czar Ziggy