The Weekly Round-Up: Sept 21

First thing for this week, I discovered I've hit a milestone in one of my other hobbies. As of this past Friday, I've acquired my 100th Transformer for my collection. As I mentioned way back when I started this blog, I like to collect Transformer Toys. Now, when I say collect, it's not in the sense of them sitting in their boxes collecting dust and gaining value or anything. It's me, buying, then playing with them. I love these toys and my favorite part about them is changing them from robot to vehicle (or animal depending on the series) and back again. The guy you see in the picture for this article is Jetfire (also known as Skyfire). He not only is Mr. 100, but is also the 50th Autobot in my collection as well. And with this milestone, I wanted to talk briefly about my love of Transformers and my collecting of them.

I first became a fan of Transformers back when Beast Wars was airing in the 90's. It was the first thing that ever got me up early and out of bed before 6 a.m. My brother and I used to record the new episode every week and then re watch it over and over again. I knew very little about the Original G1 Transformers at this time, though I had seen the animated film and a few episodes. I also collected the toys from that era as well. Though, as a kid, I was not gentle with them and while I still do have most of them, they are in various states of bits missing, snapped parts, while some are in great condition.

I fell off of Transformers though for a bit after the Robots in Disguise series began to air, and I didn't really come back to it until late high school when the Micheal Bay films began to air. That's when I started to collect Autobots and Decepticons instead of Maximals and Predacons. I also, in my first year of university watched all of the G1 series from beginning to end so that I could understand where everything came form. I got back into watching the shows again when the Transformers: Prime series began a few years ago and I've stayed up to date with the live action movies.

The whole 100
As for the toys, the first non-Beast Wars Transformer I got, was Brawn form the Robots in Disguise toy line, but then didn't buy another one until I got Backout form the first live action movie toy line. After that, I started collecting mainly form the Generations toy line, but a few from the movie lines as well. Now my collection is a hundred strong and I'm only more excited to collect more of the coming releases.

In other news, I've almost finished my 5th Broadside from my Firebase set, and I've done a little more experimenting on my Kroot.

Broadside #5

Kroot with tan

Czar Ziggy