The Weekly Round-Up: Sept 28

Well, not much has happened this week, so this will probably be a short read. I was away this weekend, which is when I typically do most of my painting. So, I have managed to finish my 5th broadside. Now I'll have to begin looking for ideas on how to do my 6th and final broadside. While I know his weapons load-out, its the pose I'll need to research.

Broadside #5

Also, I have heard of a tournament that will be in Ottawa at the ends of October. I will have to get some games of 7th in, perhaps over the next few weeks so that I can have some idea of the rules changes before going into this tournament. I'm leaning towards using Tau for this tournament, mostly so I can use Vespids. I love these guys and I know that anything can score now in 7th, so I'll be aiming to use them for late game objective grabs.

Other wise this week, I've just worked a little more on some of the other guys on my board. I took some shots of the evolving Tyranid color scheme since he's almost done now too. Until next week.

Czar Ziggy