Well, just a small update for this week. I'm getting back into the swing of things, and now that my project board is set up again, I'm moving forward with my projects. As you can see form the photo above, I've completed another battle suit for my Farsight Enclaves forces.
I've also brought a few models back to the table to fix up and redo some elements. I've started to work on my last 2 fire warriors who have not been given the new green armor as well as updating the look of my first Rhino. For the Rhino, I'm getting the decals from the transfer sheet on as well as trying out edging/highlighting. I'm trying to use similar techniques used for standard Ultra Marines, but in my colors.
I'm also still moving forwards with my Master of Ordnance. He is nearing completion, and then I will be out of Guard projects for a while. I've also started more Ork Boyz and Tyranid Gaunts. All in all though, it feels good to have my project board humming along again.
Czar Ziggy