Hello All! It's been a couple of weeks now since my last post. The reason why? I've been out of town for the past two weeks for work. So as you can guess, not much has been done. On top of that, I've had Thanks giving thrown in there too. So it has been a busy couple of weeks. But I did my best to make up for it this past weekend! And I was also able to get my first game of 7th edition in too while I was on the road!
So to start out, I'm working on slowly changing my Dark Eldar color scheme. I haven't really been content with it being mostly purple and there is little that is drawing the eye to it. So while visiting my local games workshop, I took the time to admire a Dark Eldar army on display, since they are all the rage right now! Now my collection is pretty small right now, as it really only consists of one battle force set form 3rd edition. So, if I decide to change the color scheme, now would be better than later when I would have several thousands of points and models worth to repaint/update. So I got a little inspired by the use of Copper tones and some ideas on highlights. So I went to my work bench and stated to experiment. I'm starting to like the direction this is heading. I'd have to say that this color scheme feels a little Halloween-y. So far, I've only tried this on my Raider and a few Kabilite warriors. Next, I'll try it on some jet bikes.
Otherwise, I finished my test Gaunt for my Tyranids. I do like the change, and I'm going to be keeping it for subsequent models. It does add more time for the technique, but the results make the whole model feel more realistic. As a quick not of what I changed, I used to under coat my Nids in black, and keep that as the skin color. Now I'm using a grey under coat, and inking the skin in black ink to create different tones and shading giving the skin a more natural look. This is the same technique I use for their armor, just black instead of blue and no gloss finish. I'm very pleased with the results.
And finally, I had my first 7th edition battle. I will be posting a battle report later once I finish writing it up. But as a preview, I'll share some shots of it here. As a quick overview of the battle, it was 2,000 pts of my Tau vs Imperial Guard. It was a very close match and like most of my games, had it's moments. You can read all about it hopefully before the end of the week when I post it up.
And that's all that has been happening these past few weeks. I won't be going any where for the foreseeable future, so I should actually have more painted projects to show off next week.
Czar Ziggy