This is the first entry in what will be a series of fluff articles about various characters in my Warhammer 40K collection. This is of course the other fun side of the hobby because it's not enough to simply apply your best modeling or painting skills, nor is it enough to be a skilled general on the table top, but your army needs a good story and some characters to bring it to life. So in this series, we'll dive into the background of the different armies that I collect, their past and present, their heroes and leaders or otherwise notable characters and squads. My hope is that in these articles I will let you see the life that exists in this collection.
As for format of these articles, there will probably be multiple entries in one article, and not necessarily from the same army. The length at which they are discussed will vary from a single paragraph to several, which will most likely be the result of how much time the characters in question have spent on the field of battle, or the length of time the army has been in my collection. I will also include pictures, of course, of who or what I'm talking about. This way, down the road, as I play more games and write more battle reports, you will see these characters and armies and know their story!
So lets start!
Tau Empire:
Captain Morgan (Shas'O Tash'Var Kais'Vesa)
Commander Kais'Vesa, (Known as Captain Morgan by the Imperium of man,) is the second Tau Commander to lead the Ceremonial Honor Guard (C.H.G.) cadre of the Tash'Var Sept. After the previous Commander was promoted to the Shas'ar'tol (The high command of the Sept's military forces), Captain Morgan took the position and has been serving with distinction for over a decade.
Morgan's defining characteristic is that he is always on the front lines of battle aiding his fellow members of the Empire. His typical battle suit load-out exemplifies this as he equips himself with the support systems necessary to guide his fellow warriors aim and direct their fire power. One of his special features is that he has, surgically implanted, the second generation of the Puretide Engram Chip which bestows on him all the tactical knowledge of the famed Commander Puretide. Morgan will often join up with one of his elite battle suit squads to achieve mission critical objectives, be it to sneak behind enemy lines with stealth teams, eliminate enemy armor with Riptides or make surgical strikes with crisis suits.
The Commander also is usually accompanied by his two maker drone partners. Linked to his suit by his drone controller, they provide targeting data and telemetry to other squads in his hunter cadre. Morgan also adopted the previous commander's weapon load-out with one plasma rifle and the cadre's only Cyclic Ion Blaster. Under The Command of Captain Morgan, The Tash'Var C.H.G forces have had numerous successes on the battlefield.
Lord Grimnoir - Regent of Tibault Prime (A.K.A The Cunning Storm)
Grimnoir is the High Regent of Tibault Prime in the Praetor Sector of the Quar'eth Dynasty's territory. He is a battle hardened leader, but is also a very cunning politician. Being the regent of one world though is not enough for him, and he has his eyes, or rather his eye, set on the highest position in the Dynasty, that of the Phaeron. Every scheme he concocts is meant to push him up the ranks, but as yet has not come to fruition.
With the arrival of the traveler Anrakyre, a Phaeron himself who's mission it is to awaken tomb worlds in order to unit them all to defend the Necron realms of old, Grimnoir has found in him an ally who might be able to bolster his military might. Joining Anrakyre's mission to hopefully reprogram other tomb worlds to see him as their leader without alerting Anrakyre to his plans. So far, he has kept away from creating suspicions about his motives for joining the crusade, and Anrakyre enjoys the bolstered ranks in his travelling forces.
The Gravemind of Challix Ursa (Trygon Prime)
The Imperial forces of Challix became aware they were being invaded by a tendril of hive fleet Tron when Tyranids started bursting out of the ground at many of their facilities. The attacks comprised mostly of burrowing organisms such as Raveners and Mawlocks, as well as some Trygons and ripper swarms. The Imperial forces did what they could to bolster their defenses, but every attempt made to slow the Tyranids was overcome in each attack. It was almost a month into the Invasion before the Beast leading invasion was discovered to be a Trygon Prime.
The planet eventually fell to the Tyranids, but those that managed to get off world told stories of the invasion and named the Trygon Prime the Gravemind due to the nature of its' subterranean attacks.
Czar Ziggy