Well, it's been another slow week for painting. This coming month will see my work schedule flux a little bit, so it won't be there relatively straight Monday to Friday for the rest of the month. But, the Good news is that I did get some very important supplies for the hobby this week, the Bad news, I also got other distractions for my other hobby.
So, the best part of this week, is that my order for the new 7th edition mini rule book came in. Now I can brush up on the changes to 7th before I play my 2 tournaments this month, which I managed to get the time for with my work schedule being in flux. The other good news is that my order for the Fine Caste Lord Commissar came in as well. I was getting a little worried that I wouldn't be able to add this model to my Guard because I've noticed the trend that Games Workshop is phasing out their Fine Caste line as each new army has come out since the Guard arrived back this spring. It's also more evident now as some of the new Tyranid kits are now plastic versions of their old Fine Caste sets. (Though, not complaining because since 3rd edition I've wanted plastic multi-part Zoanthropes!) And with the Commissar's model being out of stock, I was getting antsy. So as soon as it was back in stock, I ordered one just to be safe.
Now, the bad news, for my painting time at least, is that my video game hobby has a new title to be played through. I'll admit, even in my late 20's, I still love Pokémon. And with the new games out this past Friday, you can bet I picked up my pre-ordered copy (Of Omega Ruby) to start playing right away. So now I'm splitting my time between the two. So I'll have to see how well I balance my time. I still need to make sure my Harpy is done for the Kingston Tournament on the 13th.
Also, I've started a little re-paint for my Scions. I've been feeling like they need to be a little more different form the rest of the force (being elite spec-ops guys and all) and so I've begun to alter their color scheme a little. I leaves the GDI theme a bit, but if you're fans of X-Com, you'll see the connection right away. I'm using the X-Com basic/natural carapace armor color for the Scions. Which will look awesome mixed with the rest because the X-Com basic armor color scheme is very similar to the GDI one that I'm currently using.
So that's pretty much all that has happened this week. Hopefully I'll have some more progress for next week.