The Weekly Round-Up: Nov 30

Well, it has been a pretty awesome week! A couple of great things have happened this week and not just for my 40K hobby. I got an early Christmas present for my 40K collection and a finally caught a break in my Transformers hunt!

First off, I have finally tracked down the most elusive Transformer that I've wanted to add to my collection for the past year. On Monday, I wandered into a Target, (which by the way is becoming a much better Transformer hunting ground than I had expected over the past year), and there on the peg in the Transformers section he was, Rattrap! Now, to put this into context, Rattrap is my absolute favorite character from Beast Wars. And back in the day when they were launching the original toy line, I was just a kid with no idea about collecting. Plus, didn't work, so had no money to buy them either. Plus, by the time I even got into liking the toys, his run had been long over anyway.
The best Beast wars Character ever!
My brother had gotten the trans-metal version later on, but sadly since we were kids, well it broke after constant play. But, once I found out they were doing a show accurate version, well I just had to get one. I knew they were releasing one back this past spring, and I've been keeping an eye out since. I was getting a little concerned he wasn't going to hit the Canadian market as I know we're always behind the release schedule of the US. Plus, Walmart was a wave before Rattrap's wave, and Target somehow was one ahead (back in September any ways). So I was very delighted to find him this week. And with him acquired, I have now successfully gotten every character I wanted to get this year. So, it has been a great year for my Transformers hobby!

Gotta love the anniversary line.
Back on the 40K side of things, I got a bit of an early Christmas gift on Friday. My girlfriend got me one of the last 2 copies of the Leviathan campaign book from my local Games Workshop. I've begun reading through it and it is quite a good read. I'm also excited by the fact that it contains the new rule for City Fight (which are the rule for fighting in a city) as well as the rules for all the new Tyranid models that have just been released (which I had all the White dwarfs for just in case), plus a bunch of formations for Tyranids and new Warlord Traits. The best part is I can already use some of the formations and I gives me a little more direction for collecting Tyranids over the next year.

Going to get a lot of use out of these books!
On the painting side of things, I'm making good progress on my new Commissar, whom I've named Felix Emmanuel. I've got big plans for him in the coming year. Also, I've now finished my Tyranid Harpy to table ready status. Just need to finish his base and he'll be all done. I've also almost finished my repaint of my Tempestus Scions. One guy left. And I'm making more progress with the Imperial Knight and my current Necron Warrior.

There be dragons here!
Sooo close to being done!
And, in preparation for my upcoming tournament in Petawawa this Saturday (look forward to some battle reports hopefully), I played a sparing match against myself to get more familiar with 7th edition. I pitted a small Necron force against my Space Marines. I wanted to try out some Psychic stuff and get familiar with other rule changes like my Necron Chariot. In the end, the Necrons won 6-1. And I realized after looking back over the match, that I'm so used to playing Necrons (since they are my 2nd most commonly used tournament army) that I was on complete auto pilot with their tactics while I spent a lot of time thinking about what I was going to do with my Marines. Which made it funny for me because I didn't feel like I was playing myself. My Necron turns were over before I knew it so I spent more time on the Marine side, so it felt like I was playing a ghost or something.

So, that was my week. As I mentioned, I hope to have some battle reports and a tournament debrief next week. And the Week after that is the Kingston tournament. Its going to be a busy month!

Czar Ziggy