Well, another week has gone by and I've got the results of my little experiment form last week! Also, it seems like it's a really good time to be a Tyranid player right now because we are getting some really nice new kits completely out of the blue. Plus I'm going to start an new type of article on the blog to start sharing my fluff for my armies and units.
To start with, my little experiment to see if I'd get any painting done while on the road was pretty successful. I brought with me 4 Gaunts and at the last minuet, my new Harpy kit. Over the course of the week, I made a lot of progress on my Gaunts, and quickly finished them up yesterday morning with the last little bits of detail. As for the Harpy, I assembled it, finished the undercoat, and started working on the skin coloring. So all in all, it was a pretty solid amount of work completed over the week.
More Gaunts for the Swarm! |
I've also finished another Ork Boy, and almost done another Necron Warrior. The next 4 Gaunts are started on my table and I've made more progress on the Harpy and the Imperial Knight. Since I'm home again this week, I expect to get more done, or at least some work done on these guys. I really want to push and get my Tyranids done so I can start to plan what I'm going to get from the new range of Tyranid models the Games Workshop is releasing.
Two big kits, both will pack a punch when their done! |
Over the course of this week and last week, Games Workshop has introduced two new kits (which can build one of 5 new units), and one bundle for the Tyranids. Amongst these is a new drop pod option for the Tyranids that I was very sad about losing after their last codex update. With this one kit alone, the options for Tyranid players has exploded as now, based on the rules in the current white dwarf magazine, Almost any unit can take one. Now, I originally planed before the last codex update to make a drop pod list, similar to popular marine lists. Now with this new kit, I can put those plans back together. Also, the new bundle looks to be amazing, and better than the swarm set they had before. Now I can now get a Tyrant, warriors, Guants, and a Tervigon. I would like to get one of these as I also would like to start running Tervigons in my lists with the Gaunt tax. This bundle would go a long way to making that happen as well as get me the last of the Gaunts I need to pay the 30 Gaunt tax. Plus, more Warriors and Tyrants is never a bad thing.
Also, I'm going to start a new series of articles on the blog. This series will be descriptions and shorts about various units, or armies in my collection. Think of it as a sort of Spot-Light series aimed at sharing some of the greatest, or most dastardly, moments for some of my models. I'm really excited about this, as what's the fun of the game, if there isn't a good back story to the players right?
Any ways, that's all for this week.
Czar Ziggy