Chronicles of Taaw'Weap: Prologue

Aun'O Tash'Var Rra'B strode gracefully into the conference room. The two fire warriors standing guard quickly straightening their posture as the Ethereal entered the room. With a gentle nod, Rra'B acknowledged the other members sitting at the conference table as they stood up to bow before him. Among the group, there was a fire caste commander with an expression of stone, his cold eyes probably taking note of the Ethereal's every step, a water caste diplomat how was dressed in an extravagant gown adorned with symbols of his status in the caste. The Air caste member was the Captain of the ship they were currently travelling on, and an earth caste researcher and engineer, who had taken to performing several modifications to his body by incorporating technology where there had been a regular appendage before, most likely to aide in performing his duties.

Rra'B motioned for everyone gathered around the table to sit. Without waiting, the Ethereal began the meeting.

"I have summoned you all here, as the senior members of your castes to go over the final mission briefing before we make planet fall on Taaw'Weap."

Rra'B nodded to the fire caste commander indicating for him to begin.

"Our drone surveillance of the planet has indicated that there is a strange power reading coming from on of the Gue'la cities in the southern hemisphere. Recon drone imaging..." the center display above the conference table switched to images capture from the drones," indicates that a force of Gue'ron'sha are guarding the city. However, we do not know currently what they are defending."

The water caste diplomat spoke up as the images showed the Space marine forces in the city.

"According to my envoys, the Gue'ron'sha seen here are known as "Grey Knights" in the Gue'la tongue. They are said to defend against monsters."

Many of the members gathered at the table chuckled as the diplomat's remark.

"These Gue'la are intriguing creatures for sure." said the earth caste researcher. "A very superstitious species to say the least."

Rra'B raised a hand to calm the group and refocused them on the briefing.

"Regardless of what the purpose of these Gue'ron'sha, we must uncover what it is they are protecting. Aun'Va himself has requested our group move in and determine what is the cause of this energy signature. Shas'O, prepare a task force. We will make planet fall before the next rotaa"

In Part 1 the Tau face the forces of the Grey Knights to uncover the secrete they are guarding...
As you may have guessed, I am going to do up my battle reports for the tournament as a campaign / short story. It will take place over 4 parts, one for each match I had at the tournament. I decided to do this in part because I was struck with the inspiration to do it in this format, and because I don't have the specific army lists for each match and so I figured I would tell the tale of Rra'B (which translates to The Shadow Shepard) and his black ops cadre. If I like this format, I may do the Kingston tournament battle reports this way as well.

The Four parts will be:
Part 1: Lock Down (Tau Vs. Grey Knights)
      The forces of Rra'B make planet fall on Taaw'Weap to uncover the secrete the Grey Knights will defend with thier lives!

Part 2: Warp Gates (Tau Vs. Chaos Demons)
      The Shadow Shepard must think fast to deal with a new and dangerous foe!

Part 3: Broken Arrow (Tau Vs. Chaos Marines)
     The forces of Chaos are beginning to prepare their armies to begin a war in the name of their Gods!

Part 4: One Shot, One Kill (Tau Vs. Tyranids)
     If fighting the forces of Chaos were not enough, a splinter fleet of Tyranids make planet fall to begin harvesting the world's bio mass!

Czar Ziggy