Hello Everyone! So now, the second tournament, the one in Kingston is over. It was a great tournament and it was a lot of fun! I'm still reliving the memory of 30 Termagants rushing a Dark Eldar Ravager and wiping it out in one fell swoop! And for those of you keeping score, I came in second last this time! But it was a great chance to finally see my Tyranids on the table for their first tournament. Usually, I will run Tau or Necrons, but with all the love the Tyranids have been getting, I thought it would be nice to give them a try.
So, I had better results with my games this time around with a 1-1-2 streak for this tournament. In the first round, I played against my good friend, who's Guard army I have painted as Cobra. This was the the 500 pts round and it was reminiscent of the old lunch time brawls we used to have when we worked together. Unfortunately it was a short round, and I only pulled ahead in score because I moved everything out of my deployment zone (to try and assault him!) and it broke the tie in the soft scores where I got +1 for that. Not a single full squad was killed in the playing of this round...
For the second round, I was paired up against a club veteran who was running an Iron Hands chapter of Space marines allied with some Blood Angels chapter Space marines (and their brand new Codex!). It was a hard fought match at 1000 pts, but in the end I lost. The highlights of this match however, was that I lost all my Synapse creatures, but my few Gaunts and a lone Venomthrope kept passing their leadership tests and acted normally instead of reverting to their instinctive behavior, and the Gaunts killed a whole biker squad.
Round three saw me facing a combined Eldar and Dark Eldar force at 1500 pts. This match ended up in a draw. There was a lot of moving around and posturing throughout this match as it had a progressive scoring mechanic where between turns 2-5 at the start of each player's turn, they would gain points based on what they controlled at the start of their turn. I managed to pull ahead there, but only by 1 point. He made up for that in the soft scores to tie it 2-2. This was also the first match I used my Mawloc. And thanks to him, I don't fear Eldar Wave Serpents any more because he burst out of the ground, then slithered over to it and pummeled it before being shot down by many angry Eldar soldiers. Also, 30 Termagants overran the Dark Eldar's Ravager and glanced it to death, then proceeded on to harass two Venoms and their Kabalite warriors. Unfortunately, after the second round, I forgot to take pictures, so I don't have any from here on out.
Round 4, 2000 pts, was almost like the exact match I finished with last week in Petawawa, Tau Vs Tyranids, except I was the Tyranids this time. This match ended up being my second lost. The main problem being that my combined team of Mawloc and Trygon Prime misshaped hard on their entry onto the field and were unable to reap their heavy toll on Tau lives. This freed the Tau line up to promptly shot my army to death.
So, that's the brief recap of yesterday's tournament. Because it was the secrete Santa Escalation tournament, there were presents for all to be had (as it was also part of the entry fee)! I ended up winning a $15 gift certificate to The Gaming Nexus (where the tournament was held).
Otherwise, in modeling news, I have of course finished the last of my Termagants from my battle force which now sees my Tyranid force with 28 basic Termagants. When I get a Tervigon, I will have to get more Termagants so I can use it as a troop choice and spawn more Gaunts! I've also finished the Second Imperial Knight for the same friend who I faced at this tournament, which he used in the later rounds. And I've started the last 6 Ork Boyz to finish off the Black Reach box set that have had in my possession for over 4 years! It will feel nice to finally close the door on that project. Once they're done, that will leave me with 14 Necron Warriors, 8 Hormagaunts, a Broadside battlesuit and a Riptide battlesuit. I've almost finished my back log just in time for Christmas, where I'm sure I'll be getting more projects for my board. Hopefully some Tyranids!
And I promise I will be putting up those narrative battle reports from Taaw'Weap. It of course was a busy week trying to finish off what was needed for the tournament. Hopefully I will start getting them posted this week. Until next time!
Czar Ziggy