Hey everyone! Well it's been a busy week for me at work, so not too much has been getting done. But, I have finally finished the last of the Ork Boyz! So now, after 4+ years of owning the Assault on Black Reach box set, I have now assembled and painted every model in it! I've also begun working on Riptide #2!
So the big thing this week is of course that all the minis I've had from the Black Reach set are done. The Marines were done ages ago because I bought the set mostly for the Space Marine Captain. I also needed the rest of the marines at the time to bolster the little force I had then. I've now replaced most of the Terminators with the actual kits and modified to my designs, but the tactical squad still sees combat from time to time. With the Orks all done now, I may consider getting their codex and actually starting them proper as an army. Not a likely project at the moment, but maybe some time down the road. At least I wouldn't be opposed to getting the odd kit to keep adding to them with no particular focus any ways.
The other big bit this week is that I have finally started working on my second Riptide battlesuit. I posted it up on my ATT (Advanced Tau Tactica) thread earlier this week. When I was in Kingston last week for the tournament, I picked up the Micro Arts Studio - Eclipse Ruin Base and decided that I would make him part of my Enclave forces for my Tau. I also made the decision to give him the heavy burst cannon after coming to the conclusion after my tournament in Petawawa that, sometimes, quantity of fire is better than quality of fire.
I'm taking some posing ques from Matt Holland's and Glenn More's Riptide poses from last December's White Dwarf gallery of Riptides and Wraith Knights. The biggest hurtle I feel for doing this model was it's pose. I don't mind the one I did for my first Riptide, but I wanted to improve upon it, and I don't think I'll be getting another kit for some time, so this pose needed to count! Now I'm going to take my time painting it while I push through my other projects.
Which, speaking of other projects, I'm now starting the last 8 Hormagaunts from my Tyranid battle force that has also been sitting in my collection for almost the same time as the Black Reach set. I'm hoping to have them done in a week or two so that the only old projects I'll have lying around will be those Necron Warriors. Then all the new stuff from Christmas! Next week's post will most likely be about my spoils!
I'm also glad I picked up this week's White Dwarf as it has a lovely Necron Formation in it that I'm looking forward to testing out. The Resurgence Decurion looks like an interesting way to keep those Necrons alive as it doesn't boost your resurrection rolls, but instead works like the Ghost Ark and just adds guys back with a simple D6 roll (D3 for the Immortals). So that's pretty nice. I've got enough models to use it, so I might try it out in my next game. It also makes me want to get the next campaign book, The Shield of Baal: Exterminatus, to see what other Necron Formations it has. I'm already planning out the Tyranid ones from the first book. And with the Necron Codex hopefully out no later than early February, (based on Games Workshop's release pattern,) I should have everything I need for Kingston's Annual Championship tournament in mid-February! So that's what I'm working towards.
Czar Ziggy