Hey everyone! So, last post of the year and what a year it has been! I got a very good haul from Christmas, so there are many projects that will be worked on over the coming year! Also, I have made a lot of progress through the kits that have been lying around for the past year and even longer! So my goal for now is to wrap-up the last of my old kits, get them done and gone, and then move onto the new stuff that is now queuing up for the coming year!
So, to start with, what a haul this holiday season! The biggest set of course is the Tempestus Platoon which is fully mechanized! On top of that, two Carnifexs, a Tervigon, a Bike squad, a Necron Lord, and the Apocalypse Rule book! There might be a few more trickling in as my birthday is this Friday, so I might have another kit added by next week's post. Also, my favorite present by far is the lovely 4x6 grass mat from Frontline gaming! Now I can have some pretty matches from the comfort of my own home! I still can't get over the quality of these mats and I will definitely want to add some more over time.
On the modeling wide of things, it has been pretty quiet this week due to work and then travelling to visit family for the holiday this past week. But, I don't have any traveling to do in the near future, so I'm hoping to buckle down and get the last of my old kits done. This week though, I did make some progress on the Riptide suit and the 8 Hormagaunts. I've begun doing the ink stage for both projects, so we'll see how far I get by next weekend.
And also, since it's years end, I have to say, reflecting on this past year, it has been an amazing year for my hobbies. This year alone, I have completed from sprue to final product around 88 models this year! Even more if you count what I have painted for friends! (so probably over 100!) Also, in the Transformer side of things, I have been able to track down and get ever single Transformer released this year I was looking for! I even managed to sneak in some last minuet guys to round out my list this year with Waspinator and Crosscut! All in all, it has been a very good year!
Looking forwards, I'm looking forward to the Kingston Club Championship tournament in February! With any luck, the Necron Codex will be out by the end of January, rounding out the last of my main armies, and hopefully allowing me to use it in the Kingston Tournament. I think my goals for this year will be to work on building up my Necron forces, as well as catching up on the new Tyranid releases, and continuing work on my Guard army.