Hey Everyone! Another week and some more painting progress. Still pushing on wards with my Necron Warriors and also working on the orange detailing on the Riptide. Also, making good progress with the new Necron Flyer. This week, I should be picking up my order from Games Workshop consisting of a new Stalker fro the Necrons to round off my tournament list for Kingston, and my first heavy weapons team for the Guard.
I was pretty energetic this week with paint. Wednesday night, as well as this weekend, I actually just felt like painting, so I took advantage of that and started getting some work done. I'm about 80% done doing the orange highlights on the Riptide suit. Once that is complete, I'll be moving on to doing the yellow to help create the glow effect in the panel cracks.
I've also made some great progress with my new flyer. I'm now just doing the light red highlights on the wings, then on to the red ink, and then it shouldn't take long to do the metal and the blue detail work. I've very excited about this project as, once it's complete, it will be the first time I'll have 2 flyers in a tournament list! I'm looking forward so much to see what impact it will have on my play style and the overall effectiveness of having more than one air born threat! And I'm prodding through my Warriors, one guy at a time. I've told myself not to be O.C.D and keep them all at the same point in the painting process so that I might paint them faster if I do what I feel like while I'm sitting at my painting station.
Also, got hooked on playing X-Com again. So much so in fact that I'm starting work now on my Valkyrie for my Tempestus platoon. Now, since my Tempestus will be X-com themed, as I've shown with my Scions before, the Valkyrie is being based on "Big Sky", the Sky Ranger that flies your squad to the battle field in the game. In fact, all my vehicles will take on this color scheme to make how they are separate from the regular forces, much like the codex shows regular Guard tanks VS Tempestus tanks.
And Finally, I've done some more work on my first biker for my Marines. Almost done the green on the rider, still have more to do on the bike. Then the detail colors will be next.
Any ways, until next week!
Czar Ziggy