Hey everyone! Another week, and some more progress on my projects. Not a lot for this week. I've been recently on a bit of a Pokémon kick again, but I am still getting a fair bit done with regards to my painting.
The first update is that I'm now done the orange highlighting of my Riptide suit, and now I'm onto the yellow phase. this should be quicker since I only spread the yellow out in small parts of the orange trim to make it seem like flowing energy. Then a quick red glaze to give it a glowing feel and the Riptide will essentially be done. I'll just have to finish up the base.
Next up, my Necrons! The Red is now done for the flyer and I'm on to the metal phase. Once that's done, I'll begin the blue highlights. And I've almost finished my next warrior. My OCD is kicking in a little and I've been keeping them all relatively at the same stage.
I'm really excited though that there are some good Necron rumors out now, and that I should be looking at getting my new codex in about 2 weeks! It will be my first 7th ed codex as all my other armies were updated in 6th. But this excitement is driving me to get the Necron projects done a little quicker!
Czar Ziggy