The Weekly Round-Up: Jan 4

Hey everyone and Happy New Year! I've had a rather productive week, as for the first time in a long time, my Tyranids are all caught up! (Well, if you don't include what I got for Christmas!) But yea, I'm feeling really accomplished about that. Also, I got a hard cover copy of the next set of books for the Baal campaign called Exterminatus, and I got my second Necron Flyer for my birthday this past Friday, so I'm getting that done up now in preparation for the Kingston Club Championship this February. The Necrons will now be the first army to have two flyers at their disposal.

So, I have no idea how many points of Tyranids I have now, but they are starting to get to be a rather large force. Probably still less than my Tau, but still a really large force. Last time I checked, it was over 4,000 pts. I took the opportunity today to take a few pictures of the force as a whole since I was caught up. I tell you, it is a wonderful feeling having the whole force painted and on display. I will be doing that later with my other armies as I get them caught up.

Also, I've been doing a little more work on my Farsight riptide suit. I'm now done doing the ink stage and I'm moving on to the orange glow stage. This will probably take some time and a lot of focus to trace all the lines on the armor with orange. Then I've got to go back and add yellow to add to the effect. Since it's a bigger model, it will take some time.

Also, now with the Tyranids caught up, I'm starting the other catch-up batch, which are the 12 Necron Warrior models I've got still. The last 12, 8 from the battle force I got 2 years ago, and 4 that have been laying around even longer than the 4+ year Gaunts I just finished. With them though, I am going to be doing them in 4 man groups while I also work on the flyer.

With the flyer being worked on now, it made me realize something I've noticed about my past few games. Since I collect about 7 armies, 4 of which I'm trying to keep fairly playable and 1 I'm trying to get to that stage, I spread out my buying a lot more than others who are very focused on which armies they play, so I don't tend to run a lot of redundant models. Take the flyers for example, I've been trying to make sure each army has at least 1 that I can run. I've noticed now that there are a bunch of people running 2 or more flyers in their lists, especially Storm Ravens. That is a level of redundancy that I have not had in my armies, since I hop from army to army trying to keep them all at a level base with each other. Also, Warhammer is expensive. With the cheaper flyers between $45 - $70 Canadian, and trying to have 4 armies each have one flyer, that gets pretty pricey. But any ways, I'm glad to have a second flyer for one of my stronger armies, and I'm looking forward to how the Necrons will perform next month.

Which also in that vein, I love the new Baal campaign book. Finally Warlord traits for Necrons! I'm now looking to plan out how I'm going to build this force now that I have a few formations available to me and new Warlord traits. The other nice thing, is that all the traits are useful. It's not like the Tau Empire, or Tyranid traits where I only want 3/6 and the rest are "meh". With the Necron ones, all 6 are useful! With any luck, most of these traits will make it into the new Necron Codex that I'm hoping for by the end of the month.

Until next week!

Czar Ziggy