The Weekly Round-Up: Feb 1

Well, this week it's all about the Necrons! New codex, new models, and preparation for the Kingston Tournament! So, first off, I'm really excited to have the new Necron codex! I'm excited for a couple of reasons; first because now all my personal collected armies have current codexes, and secondly, because now the entire Games Workshop 40K system now has all it's codexes up to date! That has never been the case for as long as I've collected! This means we are now truly in uncharted territory now for future releases.

Jumping right into the codex, my initial thoughts are that this army is now overall a little stronger than before. Time will tell of course, but I don't feel really upset about any of the changes, say like I did with the last Tyranid codex where units were removed and some weaker units didn't get any better. With Necrons, everything stayed, points now reflect the rest of the other armies mostly, and things that didn't make sense now do. Some big highlights for myself include;
- Clarification of Hunters from Hyperspace rule and Ethereal Inception for Deathmarks. Now I know that my Deathmarks get to shot in my opponents turn right after they deep strike!
- Stalkers can now be taken in squadrons of 1-3!
- The Rod of Covenant gained 6" to now give it a 12" range for its shooting attack making it the better choice now as a weapon.
- Wraiths got a nice stat boost and are overall cheaper with upgrades.
- Destroyers of all types became Jet pack infantry and can now Jump/Shoot/Jump just like my Tau Battle suits!

I'm still a little disappointed with Flayed ones, but I may now actually get some since they are better than they were. I also like the new formations in the codex as pretty much each one is useful in some way, and once I get some tomb blades so I can actually use them, I will love testing them out!

On to my preparations for the tournament this month! We are now 20 days out from the tournament, and I'm now fully paid and registered. I've also got the early bird special since I got everything done in time for registering, so I automatically have a bonus 10 pts for my tournament score, as well as my free T-shirt! Luckily, I didn't have to change my list much from the release of the new Codex. The only change
to the list was that I dropped my Royal Court in exchange for a separate Overlord. My two Stalkers are now one squadron instead of two and otherwise, I have to paint 4 more Necron Warriors to meet the new minimum squad requirements (which went from a min of 5 guys to 10). So as it stands, I'm in pretty good shape for the tournament, and I'm feeling pretty confident that I might not be last in this tournament, as I usually play better with Necrons than any of my other armies.

So, as for painting, I'm starting to work a little fast now that I have a few more guys to get done for the tournament. I'm pretty much done my new Night Scythe now. I'm just finishing the gloss finish and painting the base. I've almost finished my 4 warriors with the last 4 now built and ready to be painted. I'm also done the undercoat now for my new Stalker and on to the red stage. And finally, I've got my new Necron Overlord who will be my Warlord for the tournament.

I love this new kit (which is also the only new kit) the Necrons got in this release. I see a lot of conversion possibilities and for this one, I'm already converting him to look similar to a piece of art from the last Necron codex. The other part I love about this kit is the sickle like war scythe it carries. Very Grim Reaper and exactly what I want for any leader in my Necron forces.

So, a very exciting week. Now it's just a rush to get everything painted in time, but I've only really got 6 models to paint in two weeks.

Czar Ziggy