Hey everyone! I'm now down to 5 sleeps before the tournament! Having today off was a great chance to catch-up on that last minuet painting. While I'm not totally done painting the last Stalker, I am down to just minor detail work before it's 100% complete. But essentially, my force is now completely ready for the tournament!
I'm still not sure what to expect, as I have yet to play a match yet with this codex, and the club will have only had 3 weeks to learn any counters to the changes in the codex. I am expecting a lot of fire to come towards my Wraiths as they are rightly feared across the internet as being even beefier than before. I do hope however to teach people how awesome it is that Destroyers are now Jet Pack Infantry instead of Jump Pack Infantry. Being a Tau player for so long, I plan on treating my Destroyers just like Crisis suits and use them for surgical strikes and back field harassing.
I feel that I'm probably going to keep the bulk of my forces together, especially the formation as it heeds to stay close to keep regenerating lost warrior and immortals. But keeping the Stalkers near by to boost their ballistic skill will be important as well. Each of the Overlords will join one of the mounted warrior squads in their flyers and I'll most likely use them for back field objective grabbing or quick response fire support if things get messy around center field.
I think the big thing for me though, will be keeping situational awareness during the course of the game, and using the different scenarios to my advantage where possible. Each mission for their tournament will have different environmental hazards amongst other things, and it's going to be important to play to the conditions of the mission. I am hoping to take lots of pictures as well. But I'm still feeling very confident on the selections I've made for this list. For the future thought, I will be looking at getting the stuff I need to run the new detachments in the codex. Mainly Tomb Blades.
Czar Ziggy