One Year Anniversary of Czar Ziggy's Outpost!

Hey everyone! Exactly 1 year ago today, I made my first post on this blog! It was "The Outpost Introduction" which introduced everyone to this blog and my love of the 40K hobby. Now there weren't many posts when I first started this blog. In fact, there was an almost 3 month gap between posts when I started. So I came up with the idea of doing weekly posts which you have all come to know as the Weekly Round-Up series that I post every Sunday night. Also, I have a treat at the end of the post!

The original Weekly Round-Up was posted on July 13th, but it wasn't until September 7th that the series finally got rolling and it has been every week since. And it has kept me painting almost every week as well. This series of posts has been my greatest and most successful series on this blog.

There have been a few battle reports as well. These have definitely been the most popular posts on my blog. There have only been two in total so far, and that's mostly because I haven't played a lot of casual games over the past year. Most of my playing has been tournament oriented, and well, it's hard to remember every detail of three two hour games played in seven to eight hours a day. But I think a lot of people have enjoyed the narrative approach to my battle reports. I can only hope as the year goes on, that I'll be able to make some more of these posts.

Another series of posts that haven't gone to far, mostly due to a lack of games to help make there series, is the Hero's, Monsters, Villains, and Empire's series. I unfortunately lost a bunch of photos I had collected over the 2 years I lived in Kingston where I played almost every weekend and built a lot of the mythos for my characters and armies. And while I could just write photo-less posts for them, it's not a nice as having battle field shots showcasing the actions of the characters and armies involved. So, the series is not dead, but it will require more games to create the photos needed.

The other series that did not get to far either, was the Taaw'Weap series. Where I had planned on doing a 4 part series of narrative battle reports on the 4 games I played at the Petawawa Tournament, the real world got busy and by the time it settled down, I couldn't remember the play by play for the games. This is what lead me to not doing specific battle reports on tournament games, and instead just tournament overviews.

Which also leads me into the last type of post I've done over the past year, my Tournament results! I have participated in 5 different tournaments since I started this blog. Starting with the 'Ard Boys in Kingston and the CanGames in Ottawa last May. This was followed by the December tournaments in Petawawa and Kingston, and finally the Club Championship in Kingston 2 weeks ago. And while I didn't fare to well in the first 4 (placing last or second last), I did rock the Championship with my personal best of 12th overall.

But now to the big part of this post! To celebrate one whole year of posting, I went and pulled everything I have painted in over 12 years of collecting to give you a visual feast of my collection. It has been over 2 years since I last did this, and it takes about 4-6 hours of moving stuff and pulling it out of storage in some cases. But here is everything!

And that is a snap shot of where all my armies are at as of March 7th, 2015!

Czar Ziggy