The Weekly Round-Up: Mar 08

Well, this week was slower for painting. Guess the rush from last week tapered out. But I did make some progress on what's on the table, so not a bad week really. The bigger part of the week was that yesterday was the one year anniversary of the blog, so yesterday was spent taking photo's rather than painting.

Into the painting, I'm happy with the progress being made on my Scions. Right now I have the Sargent and a Vox soldier on the go. The Sargent got more attention over the week and is pretty close to being done. The Vox operator is coming along, but he'll be a while yet.

I'm very happy with the progress on the Valkyrie. What's been slowing me down is that I'm getting too bogged down in the details, so I'm trying to keep it simple. I'm hoping by next week to finish the cargo section and start actually doing the outer hull.

The progress on the Tervigon is also coming along. I should be done the skin soon and moving onto the carapace plating. I've got so many Tyranid things I want to build, I'm trying to keep it to one project at a time so I don't flood my board with too many Nids. Though, it didn't stop me from starting on the spore mines I'd almost forgotten about from the Harpy kit I finished last fall. I started them up and they shouldn't take long to do.

I didn't get too much done on the Space Marine biker though. I just did his purity seal on his leg this week. Maybe next week he'll get a little more attention.

Czar Ziggy