The Weekly Round-Up: Mar 1

Hey everyone! So another week, and I'm still living off the high of coming in 12th at Kingston's Championship Tournament last weekend! So one thing I found funny this week, was that I thought I'd need a bit more of a break form painting after putting in almost a month and a half painting the last Necrons I needed for that tournament, but no! I banged out no less than 5 models this week! And some of them were even finished off mid week rather than on the weekend when I do the bulk of my painting! It feels nice when I get stuff done because I lose track of time and just want to paint! It also helps when I'm listening to battle reports from Striking Scorpion or Mini War Gaming!

The Big Guns are here!
New Recruits!

So, this week, I finished off my Enclaves Riptide suit and his 2 drones, as well as 2 new Tempestus Scions. The Scions were the out of no where completions as I only built them this week, finally caving in to temptation to start working on the Scion box set I got for Christmas. I also started working on my first Tervigon, which is great because it was the reason I pushed to finish all those Termagants last fall. And, as an added bonus, my lovely better half got me another box of Termagants for Valentines day! So now, once they are done, I'll have 40 basic Termagants in total, as well as another 25 Gaunts of varying types to call upon for the 30 Gaunt tax to run the Tervigon as a troop choice for my Tyranid force.

She just wants a hug!
I've also started my first of two Taurox Primes as dedicated transports for my Scions. I'll need to go find some battle reports on them. Talking to a lot of gamers, they shun this transport over the Chimera. However, I think they work really well as a supporting weapons platform with their weapon options. My plan is to build one with the Battle Cannon and the twin linked Auto Cannons, the other with the Missile Rack and Hot-Shot Volley guns. I'm also working on the crew compartment of the Valkyrie gunship. It's slow going as I'm trying not only to do my best at the detail work, but it's the first one I've done in my color scheme so I'm still trying to decide what is going to be what color as I go. So indecision is slowing me down a little. Though, it's also difficult because all my Scion stuff, (guys and vehicles) are being done in the X-COM colors and not the regular GDI colors that the rest of the army will get.

The other painting progress this week has been on my Space Marine biker. This project is neat for me as well because it's the first biker that I've done from sprue to paint, where as the first one I painted was acquired from my brother's collection after he decided to stop collecting and playing, focusing more on his computer building and gaming hobby. So I repainted that first one almost 4 years ago, and it was that models 3rd or 4th color change. So some of the detailing was lost, but what I find interesting is comparing how I painted back then and now. That biker I got from my brother was one of the first to be painted in my current color scheme. It's neat to see how, not only my skills at painting have evolved, but also the color scheme.

So hopefully, since I'm so psyched for painting right now, this trend will continue as I have a large list of things that need painting.

Czar Ziggy