Hey everyone! So, it was a quiet week for me in the painting department. It was a busy week at work and on top of that, I had some family visiting. So not a lot of free time to sit and paint. Plus, I took the weekend to play a few video games and spend a little time enjoying that other hobby that I don't do nearly as much as I did years ago.
Which brings me to my two Scions. Not much progress on them, but I'm inching closer to finishing the Sarg, and the Vox operator is coming along. I would like to have them both done by next week's update, but I'll have to see how busy this week is and how much energy I'll be putting into painting.
Also, I did make good on my plans for the Tervigon. I'm now doing the white on the carapace and hopefully I'll be on to inking it blue by the weekend. This project has me excited though, because I just can't wait to start using it and spawning Termagants in game!
Otherwise, I didn't really do much for anything else on the table this week. I'm essentially done the Space Marine Biker, but I want to keep pushing on to do all the highlighting on both the rider and the bike. I want to bring my Marines up to the next level in painting, so I need to take my time. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm not using them anytime soon (The Marines), so I can take my time on the details.
Czar Ziggy