Hey everyone! So, it was a productive week this week! I managed to complete my small goals I set last week and started some more new models! If I keep this up, I might get more done in a week! Anyways, on to the progress!
So first off, I finished the 2 Scion models this week. I finished the Sargent around mid week, and did the last touch up on the Vox this morning. With them done, I'm beginning to start the next 2 Scions! Now I'm on to the platoon standard bearer and the Tempestor Prime who will lead the whole platoon once it's complete. The Tempestor is modeled a little after the character from the Shield of Baal campaign. I was really taken with the stories in the books, and so I figured I'd like my tough leader to resemble this one. The Standard bearer is pretty much posed right out of the manual, plus I like the pose.
Otherwise, I've started my Heavy Weapons Team. I finally settled on a rocket launcher for the team, as I can give them Flakk missiles for anti-air. That for me is more important at this stage of the game. I was fighting between an Auto Cannon or a Las Cannon, but ultimately, in game practicality won out.
Also, I managed to finish the blue ink phase of my Tervigon! So now I'm slowly doing the light blue out lining of the carapace and working towards starting the green ink phase for the under belly. She's coming along nicely and might be done in a couple of weeks.
I've also started doing my first plastic Venomthrope! I'm beginning to replace the old metal ones I have with the new plastic ones, which travel better, won't break as easily when they tip over, and look so much cooler! The only problem I'm having is if I should do all three as Venomthropes, or do one up as a Zoanthrope so I can have two to run in my Nid force. I'm leaning towards doing all three as Venoms and then getting another kit later to do as all Zoeys, but well see. And I've done some more progress on the Spore mines. I would like them done by my next update.
And finally, I little more high light work done on my Space Marine biker. Almost done him and them maybe I can begin my next biker!
Czar Ziggy