The Weekly Round-Up: Mar 29

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a good week! I know I did! First off this week, I finished up my Tervigon and also had it's battling debut! I decided to reach out to my good friend in Kingston to see if he was up for a game. I found out, he was getting ready to head out west this summer to plant trees in the coming weeks, so I figured we should have a big brawl before he hits the road. That lead us to having a nice big 2,500 pts game yesterday, a show down between my Unbound Tyranid forces and his 2 Imperial Knights and Astra Militarum. This spurred me on to finish that Tervigon, because I wanted to see it on the field!

So most of my painting progress this week was the Tervigon. I was trying to get my new Venomthrope done as well, but sadly I didn't have enough time to finish him. I'm rather strict with myself to finish painting models before using them, with the mind set that, besides looking cool on the table, you wouldn't be able to use an unfinished unit in a computer strategy game to fight (because the game won't let you) so I think of my models the same way. I've begun constructing / training it, but it needs to finish being built / trained to be used. So at least I got the Tervigon in the game.

Other painting progress is small this week. A little more done on my heavy weapons teams. Their armor is now done, so I'll be doing the weapons next. I've started to  build my first Carnifex from the box set I got at Christmas. I'll be building both as "Screamer Killers". It's a traditional build that sees the Carnifex have the Bio-Plasma up-grade, which in the fluff, makes them do this screaming noise as they shoot the plasma from their mouths. I'll also be giving them talons and crushing claws. Both will have the same configuration.

I will also be writing up a battle report of course from yesterday's game. No spoilers but I'm happy with how the Tyranids performed. I was very worried about the Knights, as they are difficult units to fight and I don't actually have that much in my collection of Tyranids that can go toe to toe with them, hence why I went with an Unbound force to bring more big bugs! However, it was a great social game, and it took us almost 5 hours to play 4 turns. We ended up calling it after the 4th turn, as it was getting late and I still had to drive back to Ottawa. But the game was full of hilarious moments that only dice rolls can bring, which truly is one of the greatest parts of playing this game. So stay tuned for my upcoming battle report! It sure is going to be a big one!

Also, here's a little sneak peak at some shots from the game!

Czar Ziggy