Sergeant Kell marched briskly down the hall. All the guardsmen in the hall stood even straighter as he shot them piercing glances as he strode past. Turning around a corner, Kell quickly closed the distance between himself and the office at the end of the hall. The doors barely had time to part before he marched right in to find his long time friend and Commander Ursarkar Creed standing beside a holo-globe with the hive city displayed on it.
Creed didn't even look up before speaking to Kell;
"We have a new mission.
"What is it my Lord?
" Kell replied.
"We need to find a missing Commissar. The Planetary Governor says he has vital intelligence on the movements of the Tyranid forces but his Vendetta was shot down before he could make it back to the command bunker.
Creed made a broad sweep with his hands towards the holo-globe before continuing,
"Some where in this filthy Xenos occupied city is the Lord Commissar. We are going to take a force of our best equipped men and tanks and storm in there to retrieve the Commissar.
Kell studied the display for a moment before asking;
"What about the heavy amount of large gun beasts that seem to be roaming the streets? Surely we'll need some more firepower?
A smile tugged at Creeds lips and a glint of fury twinkled in his eye.
"I've taken the liberty of calling in a favor from house Griffon. A pair of Imperial Knights are, as we speak, on route to rendezvous with us at the drop site.
Kell smirked before the two men set out to gather their men.
Points: 2500
Mission Type: Cities of Death #4: Maximum Attrition (Mysterious Objectives, Cities of Death Objectives, Night Fighting, Reserves)
Deployment Type: Opposite table quarters
Winner of Roll: Imperial Guard (Chose to go first)
Imperial Guard Forces (C.A.D):
- Company Command Squad with Lord Creed and Sergeant Kell (War Lord)
- Primaris Psyker
- Ogryn (3)
-Chimera Transport
- 3x Veteran Squad (10 each)
Fast Attack:
- N/A
Heavy Support:
- 2x Leman Russ (Vanquisher)
- Leman Russ (Exterminator)
- Imperial Knight Errant
(Thermo Cannon)
- Imperial Knight Paladin
(Battle Cannon)
Tyranid Forces (Unbound):
- Swarm Lord (War Lord)
- Venomthrope
- Venomthrope
- Zoanthrope
- Termagants
(12x Devour, 18x Fleshborer)
- Tervigon
(Crushing Claws)
- 15x Hormagaunts
(Toxin Sacs)
Fast Attack:
- Harpy
(TL Heavy Venom Cannon)
- Ravenors
(6x Rending Claws, 6x thorax mounted Spine fists)
Heavy Support:
- Carnifex
(Heavy Venom Cannon, TL Deathspitters)
- Tyranofex
(Fleshborer Hive)
- Trygon Prime
- Mawloc
Enter the Swarm! |
Turn 1:
No Night Fighting
As the Imperial forces Converge on the over run hive city, Creed takes his command squad up to a high vantage point where he'll be able to see the battle unfold. In order for his men to do a proper search of the area for the missing Commissar, they will have to remove the Tyranid infestation. Like a flood from the buildings, Creed can see the Tyranids pouring out onto the streets to meet the next defenders head on. He signals the tanks and Imperial Knights to advance and create a wall between his men and the swarm. With a nod to his Master of Ordinance, the first strike is set and the reserve artillery battery launches it's first shot. With the first shot fired, the rest of the Imperial forces open fire into the advancing swarm. The first to take casualties are the Gaunts.
Get 'em Boys! |
The Tyranids return fire in kind, but find that the shields and armor of the knights is too strong to cause any damage. They begin to replenish their ranks of Gaunts a Tervigon hiding out of sight begins hatching more Gaunts, willing them towards the front line with it's synaptic link to the Hive Mind. Harnessing the powers of the Hive Mind, other synapse creatures begin to focus warp blasts at the Knights, causing some damage to pass the shields and hit the armor. Mean while, larger Tyranids begin to march up from the lower levels of the Hive city to bolster the rest of the swarm.
Turn 2:
The Tyranofex discovers a new alpha predator! |
With the armor column now in position, Creed commands the tanks to open fire on the advancing swarm, cutting swaths of lesser beast to ruins, and blasting them to a pulp. One of the Imperial Knights spots a Tyranofex lumbering out from the lower levels and heading towards a squad of guardsmen defending the left flank. Knowing that the large beast would cut the squad down, he begins to make his way over to intercept the creature before it can decimate the forces garrisoned in the building. With a mighty swing of it's chain sword, the Knight cuts through the Tyranofex's carapace like water and carves it up in a string of brutal swipes.
The Mawloc springs it's trap! |
The guardsmen watch in horror as a Harpy enters the skies above the city! |
The Swarm lord, sensing that his swarm is outmatched, reaches out and call upon the burrowing beasts near by to disrupt the Imperial forces command structure. The ground rumbles violently as a Mawloc and a brood of Raveners burst out of the ground. Caught of guard, numerous veterans were swallowed up by the Mawloc as it surfaced. Their tortured screams could barely be heard over the roar of the fire coming from the surviving guardsmen who fired out of desperation to kill the beast. With all the commotion from the Mawloc, Creeds body guards missed the slithering Raveners as they amassed at the base of the ruined building they were occupying. The Raveners got into position and fired their spin needles from their chests, killing the body guards instantly, leaving the Command squad ducking for cover to avoid further shots.
Turn 3:
The Ogryn have a showdown with the Carnifex! |
Having spotted a Carnifex bursting out of the building in front of them, the company's Primaris Psyker ordered his Ogryn body guards to charge it, hoping it would provide a good distraction while he tried to harness the powers of the warp to kill the foul creature. However, unbeknownst to him, a near by Zoanthrope was casting a shadow in the warp, blocking the Psyker's ability to harness the power's of the warp. So strong in fact was this shadow, that when the Psyker digged as deep as he could to channel the warp, his head exploded from the psychic backlash, unleashing a warp blast that injured the near by Ogryn who were to dull witted to realize what had happened to their charge, and too focused on attacking the Carnifex. If the Zoanthrope derived any pleasure from that act, it was short lived as it was blasted apart by the Imperial Tanks.
The Mawloc stares down the hot barrels! |
The Sky Tyrant marches down the street towards the Guard's position. |
The Swarm lord could still sense that the battle was not going in their favor. The Imperial Forces were too strong and too heavily armored for his forces to have any impact. All it could do was to keep putting the pressure on by throwing scores of Gaunts at the Imperial war machines while buying time for the other, larger Tyranids to do what damage they could. Summoning yet again more reinforcements, this time in the form of a Trygon Prime which burst out from the ground and directed it's statically charged energy towards the guardsmen holding up in the near by buildings. Overhead, a Harpy was swooping through the skies, dropping spore mines on to the streets, hoping to catch unwitting guardsmen in their explosive embrace. Meanwhile, a winged Hive Tyrant surrounded by broods of Gargoyles entered the edge of the Hive city and started to move towards the Imperial lines. But the most effective strike came from the Raveners as they assailed the command post where Creed and his men tried to stand their ground. The Raveners slashed with the talons, and cut Creeds men to ribbons with their diamond hard claws. Creed's squad paid dearly with their lives while he and Kell repelled out of the building to escape. With Creed cut off from commanding his men, the Swarm lord believed that now his swarm stood a chance at defeating the Imperial forces in the Hive city.
The Trygon Prime assaults a Leman Russ Exterminator. |
Turn 4:
The Mawloc is brought down by superior fire power! |
The Imperial forces were in disarray with Creed no longer issuing orders. But, before the battle had started, Creed had created a contingency plan in the event he could not lead his men. Starting with the Imperial Knights, the armored units formed a barrier between the swarm and the guardsmen. The Knights began to engage prioritized targets such as Hive Tyrants and other synapse beasts. The guardsmen began to move out to staging points in near by buildings, looking to fortify them while the armored forces bought them time. The goal was to hold the line at any cost. Even as Creed and Kell were in retreat, they were already signalling other Imperial assets to move in. The last Chimera in the force tried to block the path of an advancing winged Hive Tyrant and it's brood of Gargoyles, firing it's scatter lasers into the flock. Meanwhile, the two Leman Russ tanks unloaded all their weapons into the Mawloc as it barreled towards them. The overwhelming fire power brought the massive beast down, leaving smoking holes where carapace and organs used to be.
The Sky Tyrant sets it's sights on the Imperial Line! |
Taking the offensive, the Swarm lord commanded the swarm to press the attack. The winged Hive Tyrant and it's Gargoyle shield retaliated against the Chimera. The Gargoyles firing their fleshborers trying to get their beetle ammunition through holes in the vehicles armor. The final blow though came from the Tyrant as it howled and surged forwards using it's talons to carve up the Chimera's hull. On the other side of the battle field, the Tervigon let out a high pitch screech before charging out of the building it had been lurking in. Bursting through the building's wall, it charged towards the Imperial Knight on the other side of the street. The Knight turned to face the Tervigon as it charged and swung it's chain blade around to strike. With one perfect swing, the Knight cut through the Tervigon like it was butter, straight down the middle. With most of the Swarm lords large beasts now struck down, it decided that it was time for a tactical retreat. Later, they would return to consume the fallen and replenish their forces, and add more beasts capable of taking on the Imperial armor.
Final Score:
Astra Militarum: 13
Tyranids: 11