The Weekly Round-Up: Apr 05

Hey everyone! So this is going to be a quick update this week. I wasn't able to do anything really due to this being a short week here. Short weeks are usually busier at work, plus I'm in the middle of a house hunt right now, so there wasn't a lot of time to paint. On top of that, I was out of town this week for Easter, so yea, not a lot of painting was done.

Anyways, a little work was done this week. First, I  assembled my new Maleceptor! I know a few Tyranid players probably groaned at that, but I like this unit. And at the moment, it fits what I need in the force. I'm already overloaded in heavy support options, but I've barely got any elite options. So this guy will help me fill up some of those slots! Eventually, I'll get another kit and build the Toxicrine, but for now, the Maleceptor it is!

Also, I did a little more detail work on my biker this week. I'm pretty sure I'm going to wrap up what I need to finish and get him glued to a base. And with me moving by the end of June, I'll need to wrap up anything on my board so that I can pack it away until I'm done with the move.

Finally, I'm 90% done doing the battle report write-up. I've just been super busy, and I'm hoping to have it up early this week. I've just got to finish the final turn and then read it over again to make sure it's ready to be posted.

Czar Ziggy