The Weekly Round-Up: Apr 19

Hey everyone! It's been a pretty steady week for painting here. I'm just trying to wrap up the last few models I have on the project board before packing it all away to move in two weeks. All the hobby stuff will be the absolutely last things to be packed up and moved, so that will give me some time between packing to finish up what I'm working on. I'm more excited now to just get moved and set up the new hobby room and get back to work painting and modeling.

As for progress this week, I've now moved onto doing the carapace of the two Tyranids. The Maleceptor is actually ready for the blue inking after having it's final coat of white. It has been a neat model to do, but I always feel as if it's just not a Tyranid unit. I've done so many over the past few months, (well, last fall,) that the way it's assembled reminds me more of the 3rd edition Tyranids where you had a few different aesthetics in the army. A lot of the current range almost feel identical in look and feel, but this one feels more divergent from the main line.

As for the Carnifex, I just finished it's first coat of white, so he's not ready just yet for the ink phase. I am pleased with how he looks and how he's coming along. It has been over 5-7 years since I assembled and painted a Carnifex. So it's a little like walking down memory lane as I set this guy up. I'm sure once I'm done the other one in the set, it will be some time again before I consider doing more Carnifexs as these two will put me up to 5 in total for my Nid army. I've already got 2 from the old 3rd edition in pewter (1 regular kit and 1 old one eyes variant) as well as the current kit when it first came out back in 4th edition. I usually collect now a days based on what I feel I would need in my army, and a full brood of 3 plastic Carnifexs I think would satisfy my need for them in the swarm. Plus, there are still a bunch of new kits I would like to get for the Tyranids that I don't even have one of yet in the force.

As for my Guard, I'm still pushing through my Standard and Tempestor. They're getting there, but I seem to be losing momentum. For the Standard, it's because I don't have a clear idea of how I want to paint the flag. I've looked a few images, but nothing is jumping to mind for how I want it done. For the Tempestor, it's probably because I'm down to detail work and it can be a little tedious. Either way, I'm pushing through.

I've also made some good progress on my Leman Russ turret. I haven't assembled the main hull yet, since I'll be doing that after I move, but I will have the turret done probably in the next week. There isn't a whole lot to do for it. Since it's a first kit, I'm not going crazy on conversions or anything. It will suffice as a regular tank or a Tank Commander if I choose either for a game. I am thinking of trying out some camo for it once I get the hull assembled. I'm thinking of the regular Catachan style with stripes, but I'll have to go look at some GDI tanks and see if they use more digital/urban camo styles.

As for my Taurox Prime, I've started to do the main hull now. I just finished the undercoat today, so I'll begin doing the metal color this week. It would be nice if X-COM had tanks in the game to base my design off of, but I'll just adapt the Sky Ranger's style for the Tauroxs. This one I'm doing now will be my Cannon variant. I plan to give it the Battle Cannon and the Auto Cannons. I'm also not assembling it with a lot of the Prime's Tempest symbols with the Lyons because I don't really like them that much. So where I can opt out I am. So the hull is being assembled a bit more like a regular Taurox than the Prime.

That's pretty much it for this week. Looking forward to showing you guys this coming weeks progress!

Czar Ziggy