The Weekly Round-Up: Apr 26

Hey everyone! So this might be the last regular post for a week or two while I actually move to my new place! We start moving on May 1st, and while I do plan on packing my hobby stuff at the very end before moving, I probably won't have it unpacked or set up right away. So it might be two weeks before I make my next post. However, it should mean I'll have a little more progress to show you than normal.

So, something awesome happened this week as well. While packing, I actually came across a video game I didn't even know I had in my possession and one I thought I'd never have the chance to own again! While sifting through some old boxes from the last move, (as my better half likes to take these opportunities to purge old things,) I came across a copy of Quake 4. But even better than that, it also had the bonus disc of Quake 2, which is one of my all time favorite games. So a good chunk of my painting time was taken up by playing through Quake 2. This also lead to me using some video game sound tracks for painting this week, namely the Quake 2 sound track and the old Unreal Tournament sound track. So that was a nice stroll down memory lane for me!

On to the painting progress! This week, I've made some good ground with my Maleceptor. I've done the blue ink phase and now I'm almost done the blue high lights on the carapace. For the Carnifex, I'm done the blue ink, and now I have to do the blue high lights. I'm pleased with how they're coming along. I figure by the time I post again, they'll be done since the rest is mostly short and quick detail work.

As for the Imperial forces, I've done a little more work on the two Scions. I've started painting the bases of both. The Tempestor Prime is almost done. Just some minor detail work to do, such as the wrist comm. The Standard mostly just has the flag left to do.

As for the vehicles, I'm almost done the Leman Russ turret. Most of what's left is the tank Commander himself, as the turret is done. After I set up the new paint station, I'll be able to build the main hull of the tank and get that rolling. I've now finished the metal coat on the Taurox and now just have to do the black ink wash on the hull. It's almost the same for the Valkyrie, except I just have to finish the last coat on the tail of the model. Then I just have to pull up the pictures of the Sky Ranger so I can begin to plan out the detail work.

So, that's all for this week. I hope to be back up and running in two weeks, and with lots of new shots of the progress I've had! Anyways, until then!

Czar Ziggy