Hey everyone I'm back! The move went well and now I finally have my computer and the internet set up so I'm back in business! And best of all, I finally had a week off and decided to make the best of it! I got the chance to scratch something off my 40k bucket list, one I'll probably do again at some point in the future. I booked a day at MiniWarGaming to participate in one of their filmed battle reports! In particular, I took part in the Apothis campaign series that they're running right now.
And what an experience it was! MiniWarGaming is one of the few groups that do battle reports that I watch. In fact they are one of my favorites to listen to while I paint. So, when I finally got my vacation booked, I decided to see if I could get a day booked to go in and play some games with the guys at the studio. Luckily, because it was short notice, I was able to get in. They set me up with Leland, who I have to say is a great guy. He was a great opponent and we had some great chats about the hobbies and helpped each other out while playing our 2 games. After e-mailing back and forth, we got it set up that I was going to be bringing in my Tau, and that at least one of the matches that we'd be playing was going to be a Zone Mortalis match.
Now I'm not going to be giving a full battle report of the two games we played. I will link the YouTube episode when it gets posted. The rest of the content you will have to be a Vault member or do the free trial to watch. My two battles were around episode 25 of the Apothis series, so it would spoil the series a bit if I said what happened. However, they were both great battles. The first match was the Zone Mortalis match and my Tau were aiding the Tyranid Faction in their actions, the second was Malestrom of War mission called Deadlock where my Tau were aiding the Chaos faction with their actions.
These games also gave me a great opportunity to learn some new things. Firstly, I've never played Zone Mortalis before. And, how often does anyone see Tau in a Zone Mortalis match either. It was a lot of fun. I also feel it gave me a good chance to see if my theories on some Tau units being better suited to narrow fields of movement, or a certain "urban" combat feel was true. I think for the most part it did as my Vespid unit performed well over the course of the match. It sort of felt like playing a kill team game, but with more points and squads. The other learning moment, was playing against Leland's Skitarii and Kestalan robots. This was the first time I'd ever played against this new army. The one thing I underestimated was how fast they were. His Infiltrators had the Dune Stalker rule which grants an extra 3" on movement, runs, and charging. They were right in my face on turn 1 and my Tau tried bravely to drive them back. Also, I was pretty intimidated by the Kestalan robots, but by the second match, I didn't find them as scary as I thought they were in the 1st game. The second game also included the full range of Skitarii units, where as the first match only used Infiltrators, and Vangaurd, as well as the Kestalan robots. I found after playing two games against them, the the Skitarii remind me of the Eldar. The pack a punch, but can't take on. Most of my weapons were wounding on a 2+ because they were toughness 3 against my strength 5 weapons. Also, they're fast. That Dune Stalker rule really makes them move!
Any ways, the few other things that have happened over the past weeks were that I finally got my hands on Motormaster from the Combiner Wars series and now have a complete Menasor figure now. That leaves me looking forwards to the release of the Protectobots in Canada at some point. And other than that, I'm just back to the regular grind now. For your viewing pleasure, I've included some more shots from my two games below. Until next week!
Czar Ziggy