The Weekly Round-Up: June 14

Hey everyone! Another week and I'm starting to get back into the swing of painting finally! Also, I'm getting really excited about Space Marines too! With their new codex out this weekend, I went and picked up my copy and have begun to pore over it's pages! I have to say, It's exciting in the current state of the game to have these "Decurion" or Formation style armies. With each new codex release, I'm looking at what is hopefully becoming a trend so I can figure out what my Tau or Tyranid codex will be like.

As for my painting progress this week, I'm happy about ow far I'm getting with my Guard forces. I think these guys now account for about 80% of what's going on on my project board right now. I'm pretty close now to finishing my next Guardsmen and another Scion, with another of each well underway. I've also now started the last bits for my Taurox. I've almost finished the wheels and struts, and I've just started undercoating the turret and gunner. And while I didn't take a picture of it this week, I have now finished the black inking of my Valkyrie, and so now I can begin to flesh out some of the detail work on it.

As for Tyranids, I'm still working on my second Venomthrope. I'm now doing the green ink phase, and once that's done, I'll start doing the bronze parts. I also finished my  first Carnifex of two. I'll have a picture of him next week.

And as for my Necrons, I'm still working on my first Tomb Blade. The next ones are definitely going to be done by sub assembly, as I'm having trouble getting at various parts and making it look clean. I'm going to have to do a lot of touch ups when I'm done.

Also, I picked up some of the new Games Workshop brushes this week and wow, these are great brushes. I mean, when I've gotten the older brushes, it has taken a while to get them into the right feel. But with these brushes, they've gotten the right feel almost right away. So I like these and I think I'll have to get some of the other ones to try them out as well.