The Weekly Round-Up: June 21

Hey everyone and Happy Fathers day to any dads out there reading this blog! I'm glad to report that is has been a very productive week for painting! This week I've managed to bang out at least three models and get some more up and on the go! Also, I've decided to enter the Iron Man Tournament in Kingston on July 4th, so I'm rushing to get some new Necrons painted up for that event. And also, based on my guessing, my episode of the Apothis Campaign should be out tomorrow (Monday) from Miniwargaming! So lots of pretty exciting stuff!

So first up this week, I've gotten a few more guys done. I've now finished my second Venomthrope. And as promised, I have picture of my new Carnifex as well. I'm not sure if I'm going to start the third Venomthrope yet, but I'm also still very tempted to make it a Zoanthrope as well.

As for Guard, I'm now done another two guardsmen with another one getting closer to being done. And I've gotten some more work done on my Tempestus vehicles. Again, I might not start any new guys until after I get the Necrons done for the tournament. It's going to be a busy next two weeks, and little time to paint, so I don't want to be too distracted.

I've also started a new space marine biker. This guy is going to be my Sargent and I've decided to arm him with a grav pistol. I needed to start something Space Marine with all the excitement from their new release. I've actually got a plan to convert the last one in my box as my first Biker Captain, but I'm waiting on some parts first to set it up properly.

As for the Necrons, I'm now working on building and painting my first Ghost Ark. And I'm still pushing to get my three Tomb blades done. However, I've realised that I can't run a Decurion detachment and the other things I want for the tournament, so if the tomb blades don't get done, I'm fine with that. I just really want the Ghost Ark for the tournament.

Also, if tomorrow's episode of Apothis is the one I'm in, then I'm going to get myself a treat for dinner, and watch the whole thing! I'm super excited about watching this episode for many reasons. Partly because it was a lot of fun and great games, and partly because I want to see what the final product is now that I've had the chance to be a part of the process for filming a battle report. It's kinda something I'd like to do one day down the road and this has be very instrumental in giving me some insight into the process. Also, if it is the episode tomorrow, I will post a link on the blog for people to see it.

Any ways, until next week!