Hey Everyone! Another week and a little more progress! I'm still just toiling along with everything I've got on the table right now. As usual, I make the best strides in progress on the weekend. Even today alone, I've come closer to finishing a bunch of guys! I'm just working towards trying to finish everything I've got on the go so that I can be caught up and ready to get more stuff!
So I'll start with the Necrons! I'm now 95% done the new Lord. I just have to finish the base and give him a gloss finish. I'm really happy with how his flesh cloak has turned out. I am definitely going to pair him with some flayed ones once a plastic kit comes out, or I break down and get the current fincast one. After him, I'm almost done my first Tomb Blade. Like the Lord, he needs to have his base finished and a gloss finish. The second one is now done the red stage, and ready for the metal stage. Not pictured this week are the warriors. One is almost done, a second one right one his heels while the other two are half way there. And finally, the Ghost Ark is now getting it's second coat of dark red. I've lost momentum on the Ark at the moment, so I'm hoping to get re inspired to push a little harder on him.
Next, the Guard. I'm almost done my Plasma Gunner. He just needs to have his base done and that's it. I've also started the next guardsmen. This guy is decked out with a bunch of gear as I am trying to put more bits to personalize each one. I've also done more high lighting of the Valkyrie. Again, as I think with all my vehicles for some reason, I've lost momentum and I'm just doing a little here and there. It's the same with the Taurox. I've done a little more detail work here and there, but not much progress has been made this week on him.
I'm also trying out a new light box at the moment, so I took some group shots of my Guard to play around with it, and also to get some better shots of some of the more recently finished guys.
On to Tyranids, I'm now doing the carapace of the last Venomthrope. I've made good progress with him as he was just base coated last week. I also took some new shots of the newer Carnifex as well.
And finally, the Space Marine biker Sargent. Did a little work on him this week. Almost done the green phase. It's making me want to start the new set of devastators I've got waiting to be started. I've also go the bits for my biker Captain in the mail. I'm hoping they will arrive this week sometime.
And that's about it for this week. A final note, I found the last member of Defensor for my Transformer collection this week, so I now have all three Combiners from the current line. That makes me pretty happy. Until next week.
Czar Ziggy