The Weekly Round-Up: July 19

Hey everyone! So this week, I'm happy to say that I got more done than I expected! By that, I mean more than I anticipated while having company over for most of the week. So, I really got dug in to working on my stuff yesterday and today and I think I'm finally making some head way with my Astra vehicles.

So I'll start my recap of the week off with my Taurox and Valkyrie. I actually finished all the silver highlights on the hull of the Valkyrie, and even began to add the pilots and landing gear! Plus I've gotten more detail work done on the overall hull, little bits and bits like the boxes by the wing lights and the eagle and door plates. And a few bits around the engines! For the Taurox, I started doing the silver highlights on the hull and the copper trims on the wheels and engines as well. So most of the detail work is almost done! Also, some more work was done on my regular guardsmen.

And then, the Venomthrope. He's getting close to being done. Just have to do the green bits and then the base and a quick carapace gloss. Once he's done, I'll start my last Carnifex.

Quickly, finished off the first Tomb Blade. Starting the metal parts on the second. And I'm beginning to play around with what will be my new color scheme for my Dark Eldar.

Finally, my Marines. Starting to gather some steam as I get more done on the Sargent. Done the green now and I'm on to the metal and the leather. But what I'm really excited about is that I received the parts in the mail I was waiting for to begin my Biker Captain. Since I started my Marines, I have set them out as a second founding Salamaders force, but I like to make my Veterans and high ranking members wear the cloaks form the Dark Angels. My whole command squad is done this way, and my Librarian is the Dark Angels one from the Dark Vengeance starter set. So I seeked out a Dark Angel's biker so that my Captain could have the cloak. Bonus as well that I got a cloaked head which I'll use down the road for a veteran Sargent head conversion. So now I have my Thunder Hammer wielding biker Captain, who will also make my little three man squad a troop choice if I play them as a CAD army. So I'm really happy with how this conversion turned out.

Until next week!

Czar Ziggy