Hey Everyone! Sorry for not posting last Sunday. Between me being out of town, and my computer disconnected while our new housemate moved in, I didn't have time to post. So, to catch up on the past two weeks, I've begun setting about finishing up the remnants of old sets I'd started. Mostly, this means right now I'm working on a bunch of Necrons. But I'm still working on getting other units done for my guard still. Also, I've been spending a lot of time hunting for the various Transformers to complete the Combiners in the current toy line.
So first up, Necrons. So, after my last post, I had thought I'd try to get my Ghost Ark, and three Tomb blades done for the Iron Man tournament in Kingston for July 4th. Then, I realized I didn't have enough time for all that, so I tried to get just the Ark done. Then, last Wednesday, looking at my progress, I decided I wouldn't have it done in time. And looking at my collection, I didn't feel that I had all I wanted to run them in the Tournament, so I decided to not enter, and just focus on painting. And I'm very happy with that decision. I've been trying to set time aside each day to sit down and get any progress I can done to complete these guys.
The Ghost Ark is coming along very nicely. I actually just finished the first coat of dark red on the hull and now can start the second coat. The Tomb Blades are also starting to look like something. My first one is now down to the final details, while the second one is almost done the red phase. I've also started the last 4 Warriors from the battle force I got almost 2 years ago, and the other Necron Lord I've had waiting to get done. Once they all get done, I'll be down to just another Tomb Blade and a box of Warriors.
As for the Guard, I've finished another Scion and Guardsmen. Now I've got a Plasma Gunner on the go. I'm also starting to get more done with the Taurox turret and gunner. I still need to start working on the Valkyrie again, but I'm happy with the direction it's paint scheme is coming. I've been playing more X-COM again to look at the Sky Ranger's color scheme, planning out how to translate it over to the Valkyrie.
I've also started painting my Space Marine Biker Sargent. I've done the first coat of green on both the rider and the bike. Once he's done, I'll actually have a min squad of bikers that I can use in a game. And with the rumors that there will be no more 40K updates for 4 months, I'm happy with that as I'll have a chance to finish what I've got without drooling over all the new stuff that keeps coming out!
And finally, I've been spending a lot of time tracking down the various members of the combiner teams for the Combiner Wars toy line from Hasbro. What a challenge. So far, I've now managed to complete Superion and Menasor as I've mentioned before. Now I'm working on getting all of Defensor. This week, I got really lucky and found all but Rook. He is now the last one I need to find before the next groups come out in 2016, which has me excited because it contains Bruticus, which is my all time favorite Combiner.
Until Next Time!
Czar Ziggy