Hey Everyone! A bit of a slow week in painting. I've been back on another X-COM bender this past week. This in turn has lead to not a lot getting done on the painting front. But none the less, I have made some progress to show off this week!
First up, the Tau. I have made some great progress with the Cadre Fireblade. I'm pretty much down the the fine detail work and trimmings. I should have him done by next week. Also, my two new Marker Drones are nearing completion as well. And I've moved onto the orange phase with my new Enclaves battlesuit.
Next, we have some Necron progress. I've finally finished the second coat of dark red on the Ghost Ark and almost done the first coat on the third Tomb Blade. I'm hoping this inspires me to push a little more to get them moving along, as the Ark has been sitting on the project table for a few months now and this is the last Tomb Blade that needs to be done. I love this color scheme, but sometimes I'm not motivated to paint these guys.
Then we have some Guard and another Space Marine. I've now finished the last of each, (a regular Guardsmen, Scion, Multi-melta Devastator,) and I've now begun the next one of each. This time, I'm making my second Vox Scion, and a regular riflemen, and a Las-Cannon squad member.
Finally, a little more done with my Tyranids. Two of four of my first wave done. My project board has a little of something for everyone right now.
Also, after last week's post, I played a little tutorial game with my housemate to introduce him to Warhammer 40k. We played around 1,600 pts, with no flyers. I will not be doing up a battle report for this game, but it was a fun game. He wanted to try his hand at the Tau, while I experimented with some of my new Guard as an allied force to my Marines. We ended up in a 10-10 tie at the end of the game. It was lots of fun!
Anyways, until next week!