The Weekly Round-Up: Sept 20

Hey Everyone! So another week, and a little more progress! I'm not sure how much will get done this coming week as I'll be out of town most of the week. But on the bright side, some of that time will be spent gaming! So, I've kept pushing forwards on all the projects on my board, and I did get some good progress this week. I'm trying to get a bunch of them done, especially the Tau ones with their new stuff coming next month! So here's what I've done this week!

First up, a good push on the Necrons. I finished inking the red on the Ghost Ark, and now I'm on to the metal parts! I've almost finished the first coat. I've also just finished the last red coats on the final tomb blade, so now I can do the red ink.

Next, A bit more done with the Tau. I've almost finished the orange on the new Crisis suit and then I can begin the yellow high lights. I've also finished the green metal on the last Broadside suit, and I've now done the first coat of beige on the trims. And I'm still working on the base of my Cadre Fireblade.

Then we have the Tyranids. Finished another Termagant, the fourth one in the batch is getting closer to being done as well. I've also done my first coat of blue ink on the Spore Pod! The pod has sadly been left idle for a few weeks as I've just not felt the urge to paint it until this morning.

And finally, the Forces of the Imperium. A little more work done on the guardsmen, scion, and devastator squad members. They didn't get much of my attention this week, as I was trying to get the Tomb Blade, Broadside, and Fireblade done this week.

Any ways, until next week!