Hey Everyone! So, you might have noticed that there were no new posts during the month of August. Well that was because real life got very busy. Every weekend that month, I was out of town seeing relatives or friends, attending weddings of festivals, or celebrating major life events! In fact one such event, is that I'm now engaged to my long time best friend and girl friend! So, I've been pretty busy as you can tell!
But, I do have some stuff to show, for the few minutes I had here and there to paint. I've also collected a few more Transformers for my Combiner Wars collection! I actually finished up a few guys I've been working on, as well as started some new projects. With the (hopefully) soon release of the Tau Empire's new 7th edition codex, which is rumored to be in October, I've begun finishing a few Tau projects that have been laying around for the past while. I started my last broadside suit form the Fire base Support Cadre. For this guy, I got struck by an idea for an awesome, yet simple conversion to give him a little flair! I was skimming over the new devastator sprues and noticed the firing missiles they now come with. In the back of my mind I thought, "I wonder if this would fit where the Tau missiles are on their launcher?" and after a quick eye balling of it, I figured it would. So I popped one out, trimmed of a missile, and it was close enough. So I drilled a hole in the launcher, trimmed down the base of the launching missile and glued it in! And this just looks awesome!
Also for Tau, I started working on my first official squad of battlesuits for the Enclaves! I do have one completed from before, but it was more of a test model, and at present, it is M.I.A. as I have not been able to find it for some reason after my move. So I've started working on the team leader Shas'Vre. These guys are going to be equipped in my current favored loadout of twin-linked fusion blasters and a flamer. Also up on the table now is a Cadre Fireblade. I've got a home brew one fashioned from my old 4th ed codex from my honor guard, but I would like to have the actual model, so I've got him on the go as well. With the size of my Tau, the only actual basic store level model that's not a special character I don't have in my collection yet, is a Razor Shark fighter. But that will come soon enough. Otherwise, I have at least one of every other model in the codex.
Also, I've completed my new Devastator squad Veteran Sargent. This guy looks awesome and I can't wait to get him in a game. Now I'm working on the next squad member, a multi-melta marine. I'm still working on the biker captain, but I haven't made any more progress yet.
As for my Guard, the Valkyrie is now done, as well as a few more good men and a Commissar. Now I'm just working on more men for the army.
Then, for my Tyranids, I've got some Termagants on the go as well as my first Tyrannocyte pod!
And finally, the second Tomb Blade is done, and the third one is now on the go. Then, I'll finally be able to use a Decurrion, though I still need a ton more models to actually field the formations. As of now, I can only field the Deathmark formation outside of the core formation. But that's what I like about these new books, some direction for growing an army.
In my transformer collecting hobby,I now have all 4 of the current combiners available in Canada through retail. I've added Defensor and, the supreme Combiner, Devastator! I couldn't stop smiling all day when I got him.
And there you have it! A very busy month! Hopefully I'll be back to my regular posting schedule this fall. Not too many trips planned for the next while! Until next time!
Czar Ziggy